Week ending 20.1.23

Dear parents,

This week we time travelled back in time to 1800s to help Mary by sticking posters around to tell everyone about her new discoveries! The children were shocked to find out that rich men in London stole her ideas! We have also been doing more digging in our roleplay areas and writing down what we have found. Along with, creating our own fossils using salt dough!

We have started our new maths unit which is all about length. The children have been getting practical using cubes to use language such as “taller, shorter and longer” to describe the size of their towers. We have also been describing the length of other objects that are all around us.

During PSHE our topic this term is about celebrating difference. So far we have talked all about what makes us similar and different to our friends in the class. We all understand that it is ok to be different to others!


Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 17

Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/

Miss Nicholson & Mr Jones 🙂