Week Ending – 23.06.23

Dear Parents, Carers,

Reminder: On the 30th June the children can come to school dressed up as a Jungle/Rainforest animal or in the colours of the animal as this links to our topic this term. We will also be doing spellings each week, which will be sent home to practice at the weekend.


For English this week, the children continued with our topic book for this term, ‘There’s a Tiger in The Garden’ and focused on describing the characters, describing the story setting and sequencing a story board.  In Maths the children were taught telling the time and we focused on O’clock and Half Past the Hour and they had fun creating their own clocks using a paper plate and decorating it.

For RE, we continued looking at the life of Moses, in the Old Testament and focused on the story of the Red Sea and how God can do the miraculous with ordinary people and objects. In the New Testament, we looked at the story of the ‘The Good Samaritan’, learning about how God wants us to be kind and to help anyone in need not just our friends or those we know.

In Art, the children created a lovely picture of a tiger and used one of their hands to make the body and tail, and in PSHE, our topic is  ‘Healthy Me’ and we looked at being clean and healthy.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Spellings: Week ending 23.06.23

Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 35

Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/

Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers 🙂