Week ending 24.3.23

Dear Parent/Carers,

This week was Science Week and Holy Week.  For science,  the children looked at ‘Materials’, the meaning of materials and the different types of everyday materials that we use.  The children had to ‘Hunt the Materials’ in the classroom and record what the item was made out of.  They also explored with sorting out real objects and placing them under the right material label such as glass, plastic, metal etc.  In Maths, we continued with ‘Numbers Up to 40’, focused on addition of tens and ones and on comparing, ordering and patterns.

For Holy Week, the children learnt about the story of Lazarus, made a Lazarus out of card and wrapped him with rolls of tissue paper to represent his death. They also learnt about Holy Monday when Jesus went to the market and about the Fig Tree.  We also looked at Holy Tuesday, the story of the 10 Bridesmaids.


Have a fantastic weekend 🙂

Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 25

Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/

Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers🙂