Week Ending – 28.03.24
Dear Parents and Carers
This week in English, the children have been completed their writing on recount have started a new writing on ‘Description’.
In Maths, this week we focused on the unit ‘Mass and Volume’. The children were comparing the mass of objects and had to measure and describe the mass of an object.
In Geography, the children went on a walk around ‘our local area’ and recorded a tally chart of what they saw (shops, restaurants, buses etc).
In RE, the children learnt about how a child joins the church through baptism. They role played the part the priest plays in baptising a baby or child, and role played what the godparents, family and friends do
In PE, the children continued with the next lesson learning about Badminton and Tag Rugby.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
From the Year 1 Team.