Week Ending 31.03.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week we celebrated Holy Week by learning all about the Last Supper, Jesus’s death and his resurrection.  The children participated in a special Easter Assembly, where they role played Jesus riding on a donkey going to Jerusalem and the crowd  waved palm leaves and threw down their coats before Jesus passed them on the donkey.

The children have also been creative by decorating an Epitaphion, making a lamp out of salt dough, made Greek Easter biscuits, decorative a candle and made Easter cards. For maths, we continued with Unit 12 ‘Numbers up to 40’.

We wish you a very happy, restful Easter break! 🙂


Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 26

Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/

Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers🙂