Welcome to Reception!

Dear parents and carers,


We are going to have an amazing year! We will have a lot of fun and go to our new learning adventure together.

This is the year for our young learners to shine brightly in our classrooms. Teachers are really excited to play, work and learn with these children. It will be a year of magical wonder and awesome growth, you will see it!!

During the past weeks, we have gotten to know each other, the new environment, our families and we made some new friends. And… this is just the beginning!

Our trip, this term will start ‘on a tree, “In the Woods“. Three baby owls Sarah, Percy and Bill, sit and think and wait for their Owl Mother to come home.’  


Owl Babies Picture Book Animation – YouTube













We can not wait it to see how these children are going to show us their full potential through the year.


Thank you for your support,

Miss Mozo, Miss Panayiotou, Mrs Brown & Miss McGrath.