Year 3 week beginning 8th January.

Welcome back to Zakynthos and Spetses class,

Happy New Year!!!!

We hope you have had a fantastic Christmas break and New Year. We would also like to welcome you back into the Spring Term.

In Literacy, we have been learning all about the key features of legends, focusing on the legend of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone which we will re-tell  next week. In preparation, we have also been exploring how to use a thesaurus effectively.

In Numeracy, we have been revising our work on fractions by adding fractions with the same denominator as well as learning how to estimate calculations with numbers up to 1000 (and check our answers!). This week we will also learn how to tell the time on analogue clocks with Roman Numerals.

In Topic this week, we have started our topic on the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age by exploring what archaeologists do and why they are so important.

Times table challenges are continuing this term so it would be great if you could continue to practice these at home with your child. Your child should know what time table they are focusing on each week. The challenges are every Monday.

Miss Taylor.