Year 3 week beginning November 20th
Year 3
In our Literacy lessons last week we looked at informal and formal letter writing. This week we are exploring the features of instructional texts, reading and writing our own. Next week, we will explore story writing with a focus on developing a main character within our Story Mountain framework.
In our Numeracy lessons last week we recapped previous learning on fractions and looked at finding the fraction of a shape or number. This week we are exploring how to represent information using pictograms, carroll diagrams and frequency tables. We are also looking at how to answer questions using data from a pictogram and counting in tenths. Next week we will explore fractions as decimals.
In Topic we have started investigating forces and magnets. So far we have investigated what forces are and what pulling or pushing forces we can see in the world around us. We have also investigated the effect of friction on the movement of objects and what materials create the most friction. In the following weeks we will explore magnets, magnetic forces (attract/repel) and magnetic materials.
In R.E. we have explored icons, why God wants our parents to love us and how marriage is a sacrament of love. We will continue to explore these themes in the following week.
Children should continue to practise their timetables at home for their timetable challenges in class. Children should know which timetable they will have their challenge on. They will be given in a random order so please do not just focus on the answers! Timetables are an invaluable means of developing children’s confidence in multiplication and division.
Rather than taking spellings home to practise, this half term children have been practising spellings as a class in short 15 minute sessions. These sessions are designed to develop children’s spellings competences.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another fun filled week.
Miss Taylor & Miss Sandberg.