Year 4 Cyprus and Ithaca
Hope you had a lovely weekend. This week our focus is on the Romans, with half of the year group in Hooke Court! Those of us at school are still learning about the Romans, making mosaics and finding out interesting facts. These will be put into a report by the end of the week. In Literacy, we will be looking at how to make our reports even better than before, by including subordinate clauses, with conjunctions, as well as exciting vocabulary. In Numeracy, we are having our weekly visit by Metro Bank, where the focus is money, however, we are looking decimals and counting in hundredths and tenths to support this.
The writing challenge for this week is to continue this story… It was a dark stormy night, and the waves of the sea were crashing in anger. As I looked out of the window, I saw… Remember to use exciting openers, amazing vocabulary, and subordinate clauses with conjunctions. Can’t wait to read these!
As we have changed the way we teach spellings, we are no longer sending out a list of words for the children to learn. However, please encourage them to practise the words on the attached list, as these are what are expected from them by the end of Year 4. The current spelling lessons are engaging, and more than just a list, as previously taught.
Finally, please encourage the children to learn their times tables. They’re almost there, but practise makes perfect! Next week, we will be looking at division, and times tables in Numeracy to really fine tune what they already know.
Hope you have a good week!
Mrs Winters & Miss Raval