Year 4 Week Beginning 13/03/2017
Hello Year 4!
This week, we will be looking at estimating using rounding and the inverse operation in numeracy using tens, hundreds and thousands for some! Later on in the week, we will be converting between grams and kilograms. In Literacy, we are taking the amazing stories that the children wrote last week and writing notes! This is to help us improve our note taking skills by understanding which parts we can take out and what is important to the story. These will then be turned into role plays!
In topic, we will continue looking at Sound! This week, the children presented what they had learned so far to the class and the children will start to explore ways to change the pitch of a sound.
In RE, we will continue our learning by looking at the bible story about the first disciples. The children will reflect on how they can be helpful and what Jesus meant by ‘fishermen of people’.
In computing, the children are looking at programming using the site Purple Mash! They all seem to really enjoy this site and it can be used at home as well. Don’t forget, the children are set tasks on mathletics (this week, a task for mathletics) and spellodrome so continue to visit these sites on a weekly basis.
Spellings for the week:
1 dough
2 bought
3 brought
4 cough
5 rough
6 enough
7 though
8 although
9 thought
10 through