Year 6 Friday 9th October 2020
In English this week we have started to do some research for our information text on Highwaymen. We hope to publish our own Wikipedia style pages for this! In maths we have started to learn about lowest common multiples and fractions. Timestables are so important with these so can everyone ensure they continue to learn them if they don’t already know them. In science we have learnt all about how rainbows are formed and in history and geography we pretended to be traders working on the Silk Road.
Home learning is a writing task on purple mash (see below) along with a grammar quiz and some times tables practice. There is another assessment to complete on mathletics. Please continue to revise the Year 5 and 6 spellings that I posted last week as well as completing the spelling quiz on purple mash. For reading, continue to complete your Read Theory quizzes.
If you are unable to complete the writing task on purple mash then you can do it in your pink book. It is below:
Your task this week is to write a story with the title ‘The Secret’.
You should spend 15 minutes planning the story and at least 45 minutes writing. Your story must be at least one and a half pages long. Your story can be about anything you want, any genre but you need to remember to keep your reader interested!
Have a great week.
Ms Hayward and Mr Loizou