Year 6 Week Commencing 4th May 2020
Hi Year 6,
I hope everyone is doing well. This week is a very special week as Friday is a Bank Holiday when we will celebrate VE Day. This day marks the 75thanniversary of the end of World War 2 in Europe. You could try to make a cake or afternoon tea for your family to celebrate this!
Please continue with the BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy lessons.
All of the lessons for Year 6 are here
Remember, you can challenge yourself to some Year 7 lessons (or even Year 8 as I know some of you will be more than capable of this).
I have also found some free CGP books on Amazon that I recommend you download. They are free Kindle versions and they are currently free – I do not know when they will stop being free so download them as soon as possible! You do not need a Kindle to use these – you can download the Kindle App.
I have included a Key Stage 3 Grammar and Maths Book as these will be useful for you in future as you move on to secondary school.
There are also some chapter books here
Don’t forget to read too. This is one of the most important things you can do and you can listen to audio books on Amazon audible.
Votes for Schools
I have uploaded the Votes for Schools powerpoint here. This week’s topic is “Should every country follow the same Coronavirus advice?”
If you want to continue the literacy and numeracy that have been posted previous weeks they are here:
Y6 Week 7 Day 1_Powerpoint for Teachers
Pronouns and Determiners – Audio
Have a good week everyone. Stay at home and stay safe.
Ms Hayward and Mrs Clarke-Benson