Year 6 Week Ending Friday 12th October

This week we have finished our topic of The Highwayman in literacy and have started looking at biographies and autobiographies of Roald Dahl and Michael Morpurgo.

We have also continued to learn about fractions in numeracy.

Your writing task is in your pink book.

Comprehension is here: malcolm x fri 12 oct questions

Numeracy is here: fractions assessment fri 12th oct

Grammar is here: fri 12 adverbsfri 12 modifying prepositionsfri 12 paragraphsfri 12 plural and possessivefri 12 semi colon


Answers for last week are here: rosa parks answers from fri 5th oct questions and fraction assessment answers for fri 5th oct

Have a good weekend,

Ms Hayward, Miss Malik and Mrs Winters