Crete and Santorini 1.10.18
Crete and Santorini Blog: Week Beginning: 1.10.18
Welcome to Crete and Santorini class,
This week in Numeracy we have been very busy focusing on the multiples of 10 using our multiplication and division skills. We have also learnt how to measure weight using grams and kilograms.
In Literacy we have been continuing on with learning about Non-Fiction books and focusing on the features of Non-Fiction text. We have also been learning how to apply some of these features and write short notes from information that we have researched.
This week in Science we will be learning about different types of materials that are used to make musical instruments and why.
For further information on home learning please see the attached template. Information regarding spellings please refer to the first published blog.
Week 5 Home Learning Mathletics and Spellodrome
The home learning challenge for this week is to think of some questions that you would like to ask your all-time favourite hero. It could be someone famous such as a singer or a famous footballer. You might even decide to choose a famous super hero or book character. With your questions you must also include:
- Who you would like to ask these questions to and explain why you have chosen them.
- You might decide to also include a drawing of them.
On Mathletics and at home please can parents focus on and revise with children:
- Times Tables 2, 3, 5 and 10 (this is imperative and all children are required to know all multiplication confidently. (For children that are confident in these focus on 4, 6 and 7.)
- Number formation
- Number bonds to 10 and 20
- Partitioning of numbers using Tens and Ones (For children that are secure in this focus on partitioning Hundreds, Tens and Ones.)
- Odd and Even Numbers
- Doubling and Halving numbers
- Adding and Subtracting the multiples of 10
- Measuring objects with a ruler using CM
- Measuring using grams and kilograms
- Dividing numbers with using the multiples of 10.
For Literacy focus on sentence writing including:
- Writing simple sentences using capital letters, full stops and question marks
- Year 2 Spellings
- Handwriting
- Connectives ensuring that sentences make sense
- Adjectives in sentences
Have a great weekend!!!
Miss Raval and Ms Young