Friday 19th October – Half Term!
It has been a busy week for Year 6! We have been finishing our current topics in literacy and numeracy (autobiographies and decimals), we’ve had inclusion week and we have also done our first set of SATs papers. We are sending all of these papers home with children so you can see how your child has done so far.
The weekly writing task is in your pink book and you can find all other home learning for half term and answers for last week below:
Comprehension: festival of light reading comp fri 19 oct festival of light reading comp questions fri 19 oct
Numeracy: fri 19 oct fractions
Grammar: fri 19 dashes fri 19 determiners fri 19 formal fri 19 fronted adverbials fri 19 synonyms
Answers for last week: fri 12 adverbs answer fri 12 modifying prepositions answers fri 12 paragraphs answers fri 12 plural and possessive answers fri 12 semi colon answer malcom x fri 12 oct answers fractions assessment fri 12 oct answers
Have a great half term and don’t forget Boosters are every Tuesday and Thursday when we come back!
Ms Hayward, Miss Malik and Mrs Winters