Santorini week ending 27.11.15

Welcome to Year 2 Santorini Class!

This week in Santorini Class

In our Literacy lessons we have been exploring stories by the author and illustrator Jeannie Baker including ‘Where the forest meets the sea’, ‘Belonging’ and ‘Window’. The majority of Jeannie Baker’s books are picture books that tell the story of how environments change over a period of time. We have examined the pictures to identify the story the author is telling and how the characters are feeling.  

In Numeracy we have been learning our multiples of 10 and using this knowledge to identify multiplication and division facts. We then took what we have learnt to help us to solve word problems. Towards the end of the week we have been investigating measurement focusing on volume and capacity. We measured the capacity of a variety of containers and then placed them in order from largest to smallest.

In R.E. this week, we celebrated the feast day of the Virgin Mary’s Entry Into The Temple which we celebrated on the 21st November.

Mary into temple

Next Week in Santorini Class

Subject We will be learning…
Literacy ·        We will be continuing our learning on stories by the same author.

·        We will be creating our own stories to accompany Jeannie Bakers book.        

Numeracy ·         We will be completing missing number sentences involving adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

·        We will be sorting numbers and shapes using different criteria.

·        We will be answering questions about how we have sorted our numbers and shapes.

RE ·         We will be celebrating the feast day of Saint Andrew. (30th November)   
Phonics Miss MacKinnon’s group will be focusing on the sounds – or/aw and air/are

Mrs Afolabi’s group will be focusing on ou/ow, ai and ow/oa

Mrs Yiannourkou and Mrs Basile’s group will be focusing on their initial sounds and sh, th, ch, ng and nk.   



Year 2 Homework 27.11.15

Your username and password for Mathletics is stuck inside the cover of your yellow reading record.       

Weekend Writing Challenge

For your writing challenge I would like you to imagine you are in the forest in ‘Where the Forest meets the Sea’. I would then like you to write a description explaining what the forest is like. You need to include in your writing:-

  • Use of senses in your descriptions e.g. what you heard, smelt, saw, touch, tasted etc.
  • Wow words for your descriptions.
  • Use of connectives to extend your sentences e.g. but, because, then, while, do, when etc.
  • Full stops and capital letters in the correct places.

I would like you to be as imaginative as possible and to write at least a page for your description. I look forward to reading them!


Book Bags: Please ensure that the children bring their book bag to school every day, as in addition to being a means of transporting reading materials it is a valuable method of communication. We encourage the children to give important notes from their parents direct to their class teacher.

Uniform: Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children will need their P.E. kits in school on a Monday and Thursday as these are our PE days. Please encourage children to be independent dressers at home, as these skills will be helpful at school.

Reading: We change the children’s reading books daily, so if they have finished their books please ensure that the children put their home reading record and reading book in the basket every morning to be changed. Please support your child with reading at home and record a comment in their reading record.

Library books: We visit the library every Thursday where the children have the opportunity to select a book they would like to take home for the week to read. They need to bring these back the following Thursday so that we can change them.

Phonics: The phonics scheme we follow is Read, Write Inc. Please read and practise your sounds and spellings with your child at home.


Spellings: This week’s spellings are – fossil, pencil, nostril, council, until


Times Tables: Please continue to practice your 2, 5 and 10 times tables as well as your number bonds to 10 and 20.   

Class Assembly: Next week Friday 4th December is our class assembly at 9.00 am. Please continue to learn your lines this week.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another fun filled week.

Mrs Afolabi and Mrs Yiannourkou