Week Ending – 08 .03.24
Dear Parents and Carers
This week in English, the children have been continuing with working towards writing a recount. They focused on planning and writing a recount about their own birthday party and used the ingredients to write a recount.
In Maths, the children were learning to solve missing number problems, to count by making groups of 10 and were introduced to a new topic about counting from 20 to 50 and they did an end of block assessment.
In Science, the children were sorting, classifying animals and placing them into the right criteria.
In RE, the children looked at how we need to be happy to help people in need and we discussed how Jesus helped people when he was alive on the earth.
In PE, the children continued with the next lesson learning about Badminton and Tag Rugby.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
From the Year 1 Team.