Week ending – 16/02/2024
Hello Parents and Carers,
What a busy week it has been! The children have been working extra hard, and have earned a week of rest and play!
In English this week, the children have been writing a diary entry about when Mary Anning came to visit them in school, using all of the features of a diary that they have learned about.
We have focused on subtracting numbers in Maths, and how we can use number bonds to help us to become more efficient.
In PE, the children have made excellent progress in Gymnastics and Tennis, and are now able to use their skills independently in their sports.
In RE, the children learned about the Kaaba in Mekkah and its significance to Muslim people.
In History, we looked at why Mary Anning was so special and the qualities that she had that enabled her to achieve so many amazing things.
We know that this week off will probably be a busy one, but we would please encourage you to do some reading with your children as this is such an important part of our curriculum.
Homelearning Week 5 – 16.02.24
We hope you have a fantastic half term!
From the Year 1 team