Week Ending – 17.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers,

For this week’s learning, in English, one of the activities the children had to do was to correctly use a capital letter and a full stop in a sentence.  Another activity was for the children to label a picture using nouns and to label a picture using adjectives. The children were introduced to the term ‘noun phrases’ (a noun phrase is a sentence that describes a noun) and had the opportunity to write some noun phrases.

In Maths, the children revisited 2-D shapes, by naming the shapes and looking at their properties.  In PSHE, we continued with our topic ‘Celebrating being Different’, looking at identifying differences between people in the class.  In Science, the children took a deeper look into materials and their properties and in History, we continued with our topic ‘Old and New Transport’ and the children learnt about how different modes of transport worked in the past and now, for example either by horse and carriage, by people, steam or fuel power.

On a separate note, could you please check your child’s PE kit and make sure that they have all the correct items as we have had some parent’s reporting that they child’s kit has been misplaced or lost.

Also, we have noticed in our weekly spelling tests that children are making the same mistakes, could you please make spelling on Edshed a priority this week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Homelearning Week 3

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers