Week ending 20.10.23

Hello Parents and Carers,

Year 1 have had a fabulous end to their half term. We are so unbelievably proud of all of the progress they have made in such a short amount of time, and it makes us so excited for the all the amazing things to come.

The children have continued to work on their addition skills in Maths, and have been looking at vertebrates and invertebrates in Science.

In English, the children learnt a poem all about Kwanzaa and how it is celebrated as it linked to our final folk tale ‘The Feast’ which is one of the stories read around Kwanzaa.

In History we closed off our topic of Mary Seacole by comparing the treatment of Florence Nightingale and Seacole when they returned to the UK.

We hope you have a lovely, restful week off!


Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 7