Week Ending – 24.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers,

In English, the children have started a new book called ‘Katie and the Sunflowers’.  They had to predict what will happen next in the story, describe how Katie was feeling and had to write sentences describing a particular picture (the Cafe Terrace), in the story. In Maths, the children learned to recognise 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making patterns with both shapes to solidify their knowledge of shape properties.

For PSHE, the children attended an ‘Anti-Bullying’ workshop and discussed what bullying in class. In RE, the children learnt about the different people who serve in the Divine Liturgy, such as the Priest, the chanter and the altar boys.  In Science we continued with our topic Materials and the children had to describe the physical properties of everyday materials by testing different objects.

In PE, we have been continuing our lessons on ‘Dance’ and ‘Dodgeball’, and are showing increasing confidence in the skills that they are learning!

Finally, in Computing the children used the Paint Tool software to explore the different tools available to draw a picture of their choice.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 4 – 24.11.23