Week ending 6.10.23

Hello Parents and Carers,

This week has been a very interesting week! We started our week with St Cyprian’s Day, and had a small Mass on Tuesday to celebrate our name saint.

In Maths, the children ended our topic on Place Value by looking at how we compare and order numbers and we finally looked at how we use number lines. Our next topic will be Addition and Subtraction within 10, so if you can start using some of those key words at home so the children are ready to learn their new topic on Monday it will be much appreciated.

In English, the children have focused on the folk tale ‘The Elephant and the Rain Spirit’, and have even written their own version of the narratives from the point of view of a different character.

The children have learned about hibernation in Science this week, and learned about why animals hibernate and where they choose to hibernate. In History, we learned about the amazing achievements of Mary Seacole and even became investigators to find evidence of Mary’s eventful life and in Geography we looked at the many amazing wonders of Australasia and all of the animals that live there.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Weithers and Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 5