Year 2 Class Blog 6.10.2017
Welcome To Year 2!
This week in Year 2
In our Literacy lessons we have been exploring information texts and learning about the different features of these such as title, contents, illustrations, diagrams, labels, glossary, index etc. We have created out own information books including some features of information texts e.g . title, headings, contents page, glossary, diagrams etc. We focused on the information book ‘The Great Fire of London’.
In Numeracy we have been continuing to explore numbers. We have been learning to count in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s using a 100 square. We have continued to identify number patterns on a 100 square. We have also measured capacity using standard (l and ml) and non-standard units of measure (cups).
In R.E. this week, we learned about the feast we celebrate on 2nd October every year, St Cyprian’s Day’.
We also continued our topic learning ‘What was London like in 1666?’ focusing on the Great Fire of London. We have looked at the importance of Samuel Pepys and King Charles II to the Great Fire of London.
Next week in Year 2
Subject | We will be learning… |
Literacy | · We will be focusing on poetry. We will be exploring nonsense poems and tongue twisters. |
Numeracy | · The children will be learning the addition and subtraction rules and adding up different amount of money in pounds (£) and pence (p). |
RE | · We will be learning about ‘Why God Wants Us to Help Others?’ |
Topic | · We will be continuing our learning about the Great Fire of London through our topic “What was London like in 1666?” |
Phonics | This week in phonics we will be revising RWI Set 2 sounds (ee, ay, igh). |
Your username and password for Mathletics is stuck inside the cover of your yellow reading record.
Weekend Writing Task
For your writing challenge this week I would like you to write a story about why the elephant got its trunk! You would need to include:
- A creative opening, a problem and resolution for your
- Openers to start your paragraphs/sentences (suddenly, at last, meanwhile, after).
- Conjunctions (because, so, and, but, although) to join your
- Correct punctuation: capital letters, full stops/exclamation marks and inverted commas for
I would like you to be imaginative when writing your story and write at least a page. I look forward to reading them!
Please return your books to school every Wednesday.
Book Bags: Please ensure that the children bring their book bag to school every day, as in addition to being a means of transporting reading materials it is a valuable method of communication. We encourage the children to give important notes from their parents direct to their class teacher.
Uniform: Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please encourage children to be independent dressers at home, as these skills will be helpful at school.
Reading: We change the children’s reading books daily, so if they have finished their books please ensure that the children put their home reading record and reading book in the basket every morning to be changed. Please support your child with reading at home and record a comment in their reading record.
Phonics: The phonics scheme we follow is Read, Write Inc. Please read and practise your sounds and spellings with your child at home.
Spellings: This week’s spellings are – knock, know, knee, gnat, gnaw
Times Tables: Please continue to practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables at home as we will be completing weekly challenges on these. They will be given in a random order so please do not just focus on the answers!
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another fun filled week.
Miss MacKinnon and Miss Howden
Ms Young and Miss Beaton