Year 4 Week beginning 20/4/20

Hi everyone,

Christos Anesti, Christ is Risen.

We hope you are all well. Celebrating Easter from home was a little strange however just as lovely as always.

Well done for another week of learning during this strange time.

Remember to use these websites for activities: Ithaca passcode is gip3845. Symi passcode is dgt9443 Use your purplemash password.

Purplemash, spellodrome and mathletics.

As Miss Sandberg said last week, I will be attaching extra work for you to get on with at home and will be adding extra work to those websites.


Year 4 Week 4 Day 1

Year 4 Week 4 Day 2

Year 4 Week 4 Day 3

Year 4 Week 4 Day 4

Year 4 Week 4 Day 5


Y4 Week 4 Day 1

Y4 Week 4 Day 2

Y4 Week 4 Day 3

Y4 Week 4 Day 4

Y4 Week 4 Day 5

Also I have started to publish two RE lessons a week on youtube. It will consist of learning about a particular topic in the church, its significance, then an activity for you to complete when you have watched the video.

The link to the channel is:

Kind regards

Mr Theophilou and Miss Sandberg