Week beginning 4th May 2020

Good morning all,

May the fourth be with you, Happy Star Wars day to you all :-).

I hope you are all well, keeping busy with your learing and any hobbies you may have picked up during these weeks. I was really happy to speak to some of you this week as I was able to call you. Miss Sandberg and I will  be calling you all again this week so we can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to.

Here are activities for you all this week.


Y4 Week 6 Day 1

Y4 Week 6 Day 2

Y4 Week 6 Day 3

Y4 Week 6 Day 3_Powerpoint

Y4 Week 6 Day 4

Y4 Week 6 Day 5


Year 4 Week 6 Day 1

Year 4 Week 6 Day 2

Year 4 Week 6 Day 3

Year 4 Week 6 Day 4

Year 4 Week 6 Day 5

These sites are also still available for you to use:


We recommend doing these and the BBC Bitesize learning at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons

www.getepic.com Ithaca passcode is gip3845. Symi passcode is dgt9443

www.busythings.co.uk Use your purplemash password.

Purplemash, spellodrome and mathletics.


Also, if you are finding that you want to do extra work, CGP have made some of their revision books and workbooks available on amazon for free as a digital download. You do not need a kindle however you will need a device that allows Kindle downloads in order to take advantage of this amaizng offer.

Have a safe and productive week

Mr Theophilou and Miss Sandberg