Preparations for Easter!
Dear parents/carers, This week children have been busy with Easter activities, making cards, painting candles, making Easter bags and dying Easter eggs. We learnt about the Orthodox Easter Story and…
Read MoreHappy Mother’s Day!!!
Good afternoon parents & carers, Early Years Team would like to wish all the mums, a very happy Mother’s Day. During this week, children…
Read MorePeace at Last!
Hello parents/ carers, This week’s topic book is ‘Peace at Last’. Children have been exploring houses from the past and present and compared similarities and differences (e.g. in the…
Read MorePeepo Week 2!
Dear Parents/ Carers, The children this week have been practising rhyming words e.g. ‘One, two, three, What can you see?’ from our topic book. In Maths, we have…
Read MorePeepo!
Dear Parents, This week children were introduced to Peepo’s story. Here you will find attached a video of Peepo’s story -> Peepo! – YouTube During maths, we explored the…
Read MoreHappy Half Term :)
Dear parents, This week children have been exploring their 5 senses through different activities. During R.E, we introduced ‘Buddhism’, and their traditions while also talking about the similarities with…
Read MoreThrough my Window
Dear parents, We would like to thank all the parents who offered to come and share their professions with the children. Children have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’,…
Read MoreKipper’s Birthday (Week ending 20.01.23)
Dear parents, This week we have been making lists of what do you need in order to prepare a birthday party, based on our book ‘Kipper’s Birthday’. In…
Read MoreKipper’s Birthday (week ending 13.01.2023)
Dear parents, This week we have been making birthday invitations based on the story book cover ‘Kipper’s Birthday’, children signed them. We have been working on number formation with rhymes.…
Read MoreHappy 2023!!
Welcome back to everyone. We hope you had a great Christmas holidays. This week, we have been talking about Christmas and how we…
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