Welcome to Year 1

Week Ending – 26.01.24

Dear Parents and Carers

In English, we have continued with looking at certain features of a diary entry and the children had a wonderful experience of digging up and finding fossils.

In History, our focus is still on the life and work of Mary Anning and this week the children wrote a fact file about her life.

In Science, the children learnt about day and night, how long it takes for the earth to go round the sun and to know that not every part of the world has the same amount of daylight hours.

In PSHE, this term topic is about dreams and goals, and this week we looked at how to set a goal and work out how to achieve it and in RE, we looked at forgiveness.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Year 1 team

Homelearning Week 3 – 26.01.24

Week Ending – 19.1.24

Dear Parents and Carers

This week feels like it has flown by!

We have continued our focus on Mary Anning in both History and English, learning about her life and work, and writing a diary entry as if we were father.

In Maths we have been learning about different representations of 20, and the children have enjoyed working out some new number challenges.

In Science, we predicted what the weather will be like on the our next birthday based on our knowledge of the seasons, and also plotted a graph with the class birthdays.

In PSHE, the children were learning about dreams and goals, and this week we took a deeper look at what it feels like to be proud of yourself.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Year 1 team

Homelearning Week 2 – 19.01.24

Week ending 12.1.24

Hello Parents and Carers,

We hope you all had a lovely restful break!

This week in English, the children’s focus was on understanding the features of a diary entry. They also have been learning about changing present tense verbs into a regular past tense verb by adding the suffix ‘ed’ at the end of the verb. Then they wrote a sentence using the past tense verb to recap our week so far.

In Maths, the children’s focused was understanding numbers up to 20, including recognising 11, 12, 13 in both number and word form.

In RE, the children’s learning was about obeying God and our parents, in History the children wrote questions that they would like to find out about Mary Anning’s life and in Science the children learned which months are in each season and consolidated the seasonal changes that occur.

In PE, we have started our new topics of Gymnastics and Tennis, which the children seem to be very enthusiastic about!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

From the Year 1 team

Homelearning Week 1 – 12.01.24

Dear Parents and Carers.

This week in English, the children focused on looking at the features of a postcard and in Maths we concentrated on consolidating areas of learning where they needed to be secure in.

In PSHE, we looked at ‘Celebrating Difference and Celebrating Me’. The children talked about the ways they are different from their friends and we talked about how these differences make us all special and unique.

In RE, the children learnt about the birth of Jesus and why Christmas is a very special event for the Christians and in PE, the children completed their dance movements and enjoyed the dodge ball activities.

We will be having our Christmas party on Tuesday 19th December, any contributions you would like to make this day memorable will be much appreciated. Please can we ask that we avoid any nuts or pork products (and dairy products in Cyprus) as we have many dietary requirements within the year group.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 7 – 15.12.23

Week Ending 08.12.23

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in English, the children have been focusing on writing questions and using the question mark.

in Maths, we are now consolidating the topics that we have done so far, ensuing that they are secure and confident.

In Science, the children did an investigation, testing different materials to see what material would be appropriate to make an umbrella for Ted who kept getting wet when it rained.

In PSHE, we looked at knowing how to make new friends by thinking about the qualities and behaviours that make a friend. They then had to write or draw what they thought made a good friend on a Friendship Token.

In RE, the children learnt about St Nicholas as it was St Nicholas day on Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 6 – 08.12.23

Week ending 1.12.23

Hello Parents and Carers

We have had a lovely week in Year 1, and are feeling the Christmas spirit all around!

In English, we have been looking at exclamation marks and all of their different uses.

In Maths, we have finished our unit on Shapes and are now recapping all of the maths that we have done so far in the year.

In Science, we were comparing and identifying properties of objects. In History, we have been looking at the timeline of transport so far.

As we know so many of us will be busy with the Christmas fair this evening, we have kept the home learning nice and short.

A special reminder to Skiathos class, our trip to the Science Museum is on Monday and we are leaving at 9:00 so please be in nice and early so that the children can be settled for our scheduled setting off time.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 5 – 01.12.23

Week Ending – 24.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers,

In English, the children have started a new book called ‘Katie and the Sunflowers’.  They had to predict what will happen next in the story, describe how Katie was feeling and had to write sentences describing a particular picture (the Cafe Terrace), in the story. In Maths, the children learned to recognise 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making patterns with both shapes to solidify their knowledge of shape properties.

For PSHE, the children attended an ‘Anti-Bullying’ workshop and discussed what bullying in class. In RE, the children learnt about the different people who serve in the Divine Liturgy, such as the Priest, the chanter and the altar boys.  In Science we continued with our topic Materials and the children had to describe the physical properties of everyday materials by testing different objects.

In PE, we have been continuing our lessons on ‘Dance’ and ‘Dodgeball’, and are showing increasing confidence in the skills that they are learning!

Finally, in Computing the children used the Paint Tool software to explore the different tools available to draw a picture of their choice.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Homelearning Week 4 – 24.11.23

Week Ending – 17.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers,

For this week’s learning, in English, one of the activities the children had to do was to correctly use a capital letter and a full stop in a sentence.  Another activity was for the children to label a picture using nouns and to label a picture using adjectives. The children were introduced to the term ‘noun phrases’ (a noun phrase is a sentence that describes a noun) and had the opportunity to write some noun phrases.

In Maths, the children revisited 2-D shapes, by naming the shapes and looking at their properties.  In PSHE, we continued with our topic ‘Celebrating being Different’, looking at identifying differences between people in the class.  In Science, the children took a deeper look into materials and their properties and in History, we continued with our topic ‘Old and New Transport’ and the children learnt about how different modes of transport worked in the past and now, for example either by horse and carriage, by people, steam or fuel power.

On a separate note, could you please check your child’s PE kit and make sure that they have all the correct items as we have had some parent’s reporting that they child’s kit has been misplaced or lost.

Also, we have noticed in our weekly spelling tests that children are making the same mistakes, could you please make spelling on Edshed a priority this week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Homelearning Week 3

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

Week Ending 10.11.23

Hi parents and carers,

This week we have centered some of our learning on around the festival of Diwali and have looked at the rituals that surrounds the festival of Lights. In English, we have been focusing on using exclamation marks through our book Katie in London.

In Maths, we took a further look into subtraction and explored different approaches to subtraction problems.  In Computing, we continued looking at E-Safety and discussed who are trusted adults are.  In History, we looked at some of the transport that has been used in the past and deciphered which transport was old or new.  In Science, we have also been looking at the properties of different materials.

In PSHE, this half term term, we will be looking at ‘Celebrating being Different’.  We encourage you to discuss the difference in society that the children notice in the world around them.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Homelearning Week 2 – 10.11.23

Miss Rashti and Miss Weithers

KS1 Parents meeting on Reading

Thank you to all the parents that attended the parent meeting last week on reading.

Please find the slides from the meeting attached:

Parent Workshop for Key Stage 1

Thank you,

KS1 Team