Welcome to Year 1

Week ending – 22.11.2024

Hello Parents and Carers,

We hope you have had a lovely week.

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

In English we have been learning about expanded noun phrases.

In History, we were learning about chronology and timelines.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 4

Week ending – 15.11.24

Hello Parents and Carers

I hope you have had a lovely week. It was lovely to see some of you at the open morning, and we hope to see more of you at the next one!

The children have been learning about how to punctuate sentences with capital letters and full stops in English.

In Maths, the children have been improving their subitising skills and comparing numbers within 10.

In Science, the children have been comparing the features of animal groups.

A quick reminder to return any trip forms next week as our trip to the Science Museum is fast approaching.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Rashti

Home learning Week 3

Week ending 08.11.24

Hello Parents and Carers,

This week, the children have been focusing on subtraction in Maths, and it has been very impressive to see how well they can all articulate their learning! The children should be very proud.

In English, the class have been learning about forming regular plural nouns using plural suffixes.

Our topic for this half term in Science is comparing animal groups, and the children worked very well to sort animals into their correct animals groups.

In History, we will be covering how explorers have changed the world, and this week the children learned what an explorer is and what equipment an explorer might need.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 2

Week ending 01.11.24

Hello Parents and Carers

I hope you had a lovely break!

The children have been learning about subtraction in Maths, as well as introducing the children to the relationship between addition and subtraction.

In English, the children have been learning about nouns through the story ‘The Boy Who Sailed Around the World’ by Julia Green. This is linked to our History topic where we will be learning about how explorers have changed the world, and this week the children shared what they thought an explorer might look like.

In Science, the children have begun to learn about the different animal groups and how to compare animals.

In RE, the children learned about how Diwali is celebrated and revisited the story of Rama and Sita.

Also, PE days for Year 1 are Monday’s and Friday’s and children are to come in wearing their PE kit.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Rashti

Home learning Week 1

Week ending – 18.10.24

Hello Parents and Carers,


We have finally made it to half term! It is definitely time for a well deserved rest for the Year 1 children, as they have been extremely busy.

We were working on our number bonds to 10 in Maths, as well as subitising within 10.

In English, the children wrote their own folk tales and we have them displayed in our classroom.

We also created some amazing Art pieces using different kinds of lines and a variety of materials.

There will be no writing home learning over the half term, just Maths and spelling on EdShed, so that the children can come back nice and re-charged for the next  half term.

Ahead of the next half term, if there are any parents or carers that are available to help on our next school trip on 26th November, I would really appreciate if you can let myself or the office know. We need 4 helpers, so any help will be much appreciated.


I hope you have a lovely half term break!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 7

Week ending 10.10.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had a wonderful week!

We have started to write our very own folk tale based off of the story ‘Anansi and the turtle’ in English. We will be making these into a class anthology which can be viewed in our class.

In Maths, we have been learning about number bonds to and within 10 to help us with our number fluency.

In Science, we have explored the senses further by guessing hidden items just by their sound to test our hearing.

We have also been learning about Internet safety in Computing, and I encourage you all to keep the conversation going at home as we have had some great discussions in class.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 6

Week ending 4.10.24

Hello Parents and Carers,

In Maths this week, the children started a new topic of addition and subtraction. We have started by exploring part-whole models.

In English, the children have been learning about morals in folk tales through the tale of ‘The Feast’.

The children learned about the hard journey that Mary Seacole took from Jamaica to Crimea in History, and then wrote a diary entry as if they were Mary Seacole on her way to Crimea.

In Science, the children explored their sense of smell, and we done a smell test! I think it was the most loved lesson of the week, the children had a great time.

In RE, we celebrated the patron saint of out school, St Cyprian and learned about his life.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 5

Week ending 27.9.24

Hello Parents and Carers

This has been a very interesting week!

This week we were exploring the themes that we see typically in folk tales, as well as learning about verbs in English. The focus story of the week is called ‘The Elephant and the Rain Spirit’ and the children have seemed to really enjoy it!

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers within 10 using the terms greater than, less than and equal to.

The children learned about how racism effected Mary Seacole in her life and how she was remembered in History, then the children created posters that celebrated Mary Seacole.

In Science, the children explored the senses of taste and touch by doing a taste test.

Ahead of pictures, I would just like to confirm that children do need to be in the normal school uniforms, but please do send in their PE kits as well so that they can get changed for PE.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 4

Week ending 20.9.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had a very full week!

The children have been learning about 1 more within 10 and how to count backwards in Maths.

In English, the children have continued their study of folk tales, and we have done this through the story of Jonah and the Whale. We have also been learning about adjectives and how they can be used.

In Science, we have been learning about senses and the parts of the body that we used for each sense.

In History, the children learned about timelines and how to put the events of Mary Seacole’s life in chronological order using role play to re-enact key moments.

In PSHE, the children learned about how we care for animals, and we discussed all the different ways we look after our pets.

A quick reminder that Year 1 PE days are Monday and Friday. On these days the children are to come in wearing their PE kit.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 3

Week ending 13.9.24

Hello Parents and Carers

I hope you have had lovely week!

This week we have hit the ground running with our learning.

In Maths, we have been reviewing learning in place value by focusing on our numbers to ten, and the children have been learning how to write numbers to 10 as words.

We have begun to explore folk tales in English, and the children have bee studying a story call ‘Why the Evergreens Keep Their Leaves’. The children have learned about some of the key features of a folk tale, and have even written the own version of the focus text.

In History, the children learned who Mary Seacole was and why she is famous today. The children learned about some of the important facts of Seacole’s life and how her work has impacted us today.

The topic for Science this half term is the human body, and the children have started this topic by labeling a diagram with all of the different body parts that they can see.

In Music, the children experimented with finding the pulse of music using body percussion such as clapping hands and tapping their knees. They also explored how using speaking voices and singing voices changes the how music sounds.

Some of the home learning this week is on EdShed, the login details for this are available on the inside cover of the children’s reading record. Please let me know if you have any trouble logging on, and I will try my best to solve the issue.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Kind Regards

Miss Rashti

Homelearning Week 2