Welcome to Year 3
This week in Zakynthos ….
In Maths, the children started a new unit ‘Addition and Subtraction’ and we focused on adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s and spotting the pattern.
In English, the children focused on the rules for writing direct speech and had a go at rewriting a text to include the punctuation needed to show direct speech. They also focused on writing a concluding paragraph using informed openers, recapped first, second and third personal pronouns and looked at tools needed to write a newspaper report.
In Science, we have learnt to recognise that differences in teeth relating to an animal’s diet. The children first recapped the different types of teeth that they have and their function. Then they looked at a selection of animal skulls, had to guess the animal by looking at its teeth and to say whether it is from a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.
Please find the home learning attached:
Zakynthos Home Learning (04.10.24)
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Weithers
Good afternoon Parents, Carers.
This week in English, the children have focused on structuring a newspaper article including a headline, introductory paragraph (using the five w’s), the main facts (using clear paragraphs) and an image with a caption.
In Maths, we continued to focus on Place Value looking at estimating numbers on a number line to 1,000, compared and ordered numbers to 1,000 and counting in 50’s.
In Science, we learnt about looking after our teeth; what foods and beverages cause the greatest damage and how to effectively bush teeth to promote good oral hygiene.
In PSHE, we focused on looking at groups that make up the community.
Please find the home learning attached:
Zakynthos – Home Learning (27.09.24).docx
Have a great weekend!
Miss Weithers
This week in Year 3:
In Maths the children have focused on place value with numbers to 1,000 and beyond. This included the introduction of flexible partitioning. This was a challenging concept, therefore this week’s home learning will give them the opportunity to practice.
In English we have continued to read our class book ‘Coming to England’ written by Floella Benjamin and have begun to look at the features of a diary entry.
In Science, we have learnt about the different types of teeth and their functions.
In Music , the children had to write news headlines to fit into the calypso song that they have been learning.
The children will now be doing one lesson of PE as week, as swimming on Thursday’s (for the girls) will replace their second lesson.
Please find the home learning attached, so for the delay, I have had so much problems trying to embed the link for you.
Week 3 – Home Learning (20.09.24)
Hope you had a wonderful.
Miss Weithers
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back and I hope you all had a wonderful and memorable holiday.
This week in Maths, the children focused on Place Value with numbers up to 1,000.
In English we have begun to read Floella Benjamin’s autobiography ‘Coming to England’ and to engage with the text using inference and retrieval skills.
In Science, we enjoyed a lively demonstration of the digestive system and in PE we will be focusing on Sport Hall Athletics and Cross Country.
I do apologise for not sending the children home with their homework book, due to rushing to get them out on time. They will receive their book on Monday.
Please find the home learning attached:
Zakynthos Home Learning – 13.09.24
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Weithers
Hello everyone,
For this week we would like you to practise your 4, 6,7 and 8 times tables.
Additionally, we would like you to read any magazine or book that you like over the weekend so that you can share your understanding about it with the class. You may bring this book in class to show it to your peers.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Tsiama and Miss Molyneux
Hello Zakynthos and Spetses
We are in Summer 2 term and we are about to complete another exciting school year going forward to Year 4.
For this term we will be focusing on developing further our writing skills and our reading comprehension. It is important to be able to use figurative language with confidence and to answer questions using evidence from the text we read.
Therefore, our home learning will include activities based on the book we are currently reading at school and also on revising key lessons in grammar.
For this week you will find in your home learning books an extract from the book we are reading(‘The Tiger Boy’) and two questions to answer using evidence from the text. There maybe different ways to answer these questions and we will accept as correct all possible versions but remember to justify your answers using the template we have provided you with. If you have selected the correct information from the text, then it will be easy for you to complete this table.
It is a good practice to read with your parents and then answer questions based on the story you read.
Remember to answer in full sentences using the correct punctuation.
Please revise times tables (5,6,7,8,9) for a test that we will have next week. As we are learning to divide with one and two step problems we will be focusing on exercises and activities of long division and on activities which will help us to identify key words in division problems.
Enjoy the warm weather during this weekend and drink plenty of water!!
Mrs Tsiama and Miss Molyneux
Hi everyone
For this week you will find your home learning tasks inside your pink home learning book.
Please practise your times tables(6,7,8) during the weekend because we will be having a times table challenge on Monday!! Use SUPERMOVERS and ED SHED for your Maths activities!
Check the Greek blog for your Greek language activities.
Remember to practise with your recorders as per Mr. Brock’s instructions.
Finally, read your favourite book and write down new and interesting words to enrich your vocabulary.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs. Tsiama
Hello everyone!
You will find your home learning tasks in your pink home learning book as usual.
Please keep on practising your timetables using the SUPERMOVERS and ed shed activities.
We will be doing times tables challenge at school on Monday so try your best to practise this weekend.
Check your Greek blog for your Greek language activities.
Please practise with your recorders as per Mr. Brock’s instructions .
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs. Tsiama
Hi everyone!
For this week you will find your writing task and spellings in your home learning book as usual but you need to carry on practising your 6,7 , 8,9 timetables. Use the BBC super movers to boost your confidence and speed in your multiplication and organise a family afternoon activity with ‘HIT THE BUTTON’ game to improve your multiplying skills!
A revision of all times tables is important at this stage because we are starting working with division in the upcoming term.
Well done for your division stories last week and for improving your mathematical skills.
Keep on working hard and read at home the books you like.
We always say at school that ”READERS ARE LEADERS” so use this mindset to help you with your reading.
Mrs Tsiama
Hello Zakynthos and Spetses
We would like to wish you Merry Christmas a a Happy, Prosperous 2023.
For your home learning during our Christmas break you will need to practise your 4,5,6 and 7 times tables, as we will be starting in January our lessons on multiplication and word problems with 2 and 3 operations.
Log in to your Ed shed to work on your spellings.
Zakynthos remember to practise your song for your assembly.
We wish you a joyful and restful Christmas break!
Mrs Tsiama