Welcome to Year 3

Zakynthos Class -Week Ending 07.02.25

This week in Zakynthos …

In English, the children focused on writing a short adventure extract. The children considered various features to aid their writing, such as describing their setting using expanded noun phrases, using the rule of 3, including fronted adverbials, dialogue and synonyms for said.

In Maths, the children focused on ‘Equivalent Lengths’. They used the fact that 1 m is equivalent to 100 cm. They use this to convert multiples of 100 cm into metres and metres into multiples of 100 cm. They also used the fact that 1 cm is equivalent to 10 mm and they used this to convert millimetres into centimetres and centimetres into millimetres, recapping previous knowledge of multiples of 10.

In Computing, the children developed their skills in logging data taken from online sources in a spreadsheet. The children were able to recognise what the weather is and what can affect it and understand the importance of data in weather forecasting.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 07.02.25

Have a great weekend!

Miss Weithers


Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 31.01.25

This week…

In English, the children focused on the recent writing techniques through ‘slow writing’. This allowed the children the opportunity to focus on how to use the techniques to write engaging paragraphs. The children really enjoyed the creative writing sessions this week – there was some great pieces!

In Maths, Year 3 focused on the last few steps in the multiplication and division unit; dividing 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number – flexible partitioning, dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number – with remainders, scaling and how many ways to solve words problems. We ended the week with the start of the new unit, measures.

In Science, the children identified liquids and gases using their properties, used the results to draw simple conclusions about the properties of liquids and gases. They also described melting and freezing processes using scientific vocabulary.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 31.01.25

Have a great weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 24.01.25

In Zakynthos Class this week…..

In English, the children focused on using the ‘Rule of 3’ to write a setting description. They considered using an appositive to describe a character and were able to write the beginning and build-up of the story. Furthermore, the children were able to add tension and detail to their story.

In Maths, the children continued the multiplication unit; Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with exchange, linking multiplication and division, dividing a 2-digit number with no exchange. We also began to explore using flexible partitioning.

In Science, the children were able to identify different solids, liquids and gases using their properties and described melting and freezing. The children considered the conditions needed for melting and freezing and were able to describe the property changes as a material melts or freezes.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 24.01.25

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 17.01.25

This week in Zakynthos …

In English, the children focused on using various descriptive words to write a powerful description. They applied their five senses to describe different settings considering the atmosphere and mood and used comprehension skills to answer retrieval questions. Furthermore, the children evaluated how personification is used in description. They identified examples from the text where the author gave inanimate objects human characteristics.

In Maths, the children continued the unit on multiplication and division; making connections in multiplication, problem solving and multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without exchange.

In Geography, the children were able to describe why tropical rainforests are important and understand the threat to the Amazon. The children were able to describe how humans harm the Amazon rainforest. They also learnt about  learnt about the lives of indigenous peoples living in the Amazon rainforest and how important the  rainforest is to them and to the village.  Furthermore, the children discussed what they could do to make a positive environmental change to the Amazon rainforest.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 17.01.25

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – 10.01.25

This week in Zakynthos class….

In English we started a new text called ‘The Explorer’. The children looked at the use of powerful phases, retrieved details from the text, inferred what the character’s are like, made predictions about the character’s actions and suggested alternative words to change the impact on the reader.

In Maths, the children used their previous knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 8 in order to deepen their understanding of the 8 times-table. They made connections between the 2, 4 and 8 times-tables, they linked multiplying by 4 to doubling then doubling again, and multiplying by 8 to doubling three times. They also further developed their understanding of multiples of 10 by looking at greater multiples and explored calculations related to known facts.

In Geography, we started our topic the ‘Amazon Rainforest’. The children learnt what a biome is and some examples of biomes. They used an atlas to find the location of the Amazon rainforest and used photographs and maps to list some features of the Amazon rainforest.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 10.01.25

Have a great weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 13.12.24

This week we focused this on art and science.

In art the children learnt how to darken or lighten colours when mixing paint, they experimented with different art mediums to see the effects they have on the finish product. They finished off the week with still life drawings, which then painted using the skills learnt from the week.

In science the children learnt about the impact that humans can have on habitats and to recognise the impact of natural disasters on habitats.

Please find the home learning attached: Zakynthos Home Learning – 13.12.24

I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 06.12.24

This week…

In maths, Year 3 focused on multiples of 4 and 8, dividing by 4 and 8 and the 4 and 8 times tables.

In English, we began the week with writing an introduction for the villain we created. We then planned a story in the similar to Iron man, where our hero arrives and later defeats the villain. We chose a title and planned the main parts of the story; introducing the hero, the reactions of the people, the arrival of the villain and the final battle between the hero and the villain.

Please click on this link for this week’s homework:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 06.12.24

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 29.11.24

This week in maths, we continued with the unit on multiplication and division. We focused on understanding the difference between sharing and grouping when dividing. We also looked at the connection between the 2 times tables and the 4 time tables.

In English, we created a hero similar to Iron Man and a villain like the Space-Bat-Angel- Dragon. We used more adventurous adjectives and adverbs to describe their appearance and their behavior. We ended the week, writing an introduction for our hero.

Please click on this link for this week’s homework:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 29.11.24

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 22.11.24

In Zakynthos this week……

For Maths, we have focused on making links between the 3, 6 and 9 times-tables. The children used resources such as arrays and hundred squares, as well as were able to reason and explore number facts to look for structural patterns.

In English, we focused on identifying how the author creates tension, identified indirect speech and were able to compare characters from the text.

In Science, we have learnt about using classification keys to group, identify and name local living things, recognised that different living things live in different types of habitats and were able to recognise the impact humans can have on habitats.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 22.11.24

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Weithers

Zakynthos Class – Week Ending 15.11.24

This week in Zakynthos …

In Maths, we have focused on exploring the link between counting in 3s and the 3 times-table to understand multiples of 3 in a range of contexts. Additionally, the children have understanding of the fact that the 6 times-table is double the 3 times-table.

In English, we focused on retrieving information from the text and explaining a point using evidence. The children were able to describe the characters in chapter two of ‘The Iron Man’ considering their appearance and behaviour, as well as write an explanation about how the characters felt using evidence from the text.

In History, we have learnt about how the Roman soldiers were equipped for war and the Roman army battle formations. The children have made inferences about life in Roman times and have identified the Roman legacy in Britain.

Please find the home learning attached:

Zakynthos Home Learning – 15.11.24.docx

Have a great weekend!

Miss Weithers