Welcome to Year 2
Hello all,
Well done for an amazing first half term. Most of you have worked really hard and we have learnt a lot.
In English you have focused on writing some fantastic diary entries and this week we have written poems about the coast.
There has been some amazing learning in Maths around multiplying and dividing.
We had an amazing trip on Thursday. We got to explore the Cutty Sark and find out lots of information about it. We had lots of fun.
Over the half term I would like you to begin thinking about next terms learning. ‘The UK’ and think of a tourist attraction that is in the UK to explore. Please see the home learning below for more details.
Please Do not forget our assembly will be Thursday 27th February, the first week back after half term so please make sure that you have remembered your line.
Miss Hopper
Hello all,
You have all worked hard this week to complete your diary entry, some of them are amazing.
You have also all done some fantastic learning around multiplication and division.
Next week we are going to be looking more in depth at the coast and how this has been explored throughout history.
Our assembly will be this coming Friday so hopefully you have all been practicing.
Please see this weeks home learning below.
Miss Hopper
Hi all,
This week in English we have been learning about the different skills we will need to be able to write a diary entry.
All the children have worked hard on building their multiplication skills as well as grouping, sharing and age appropriate arithmetic.
We have also been learning about different materials and their properties, all the children have worked on developing their scientific language and experimental skills.
Please see below for this week home learning.
Hello Crete Class,
Apologies for the mix up with last weeks home learning.
It has been a pleasure to watch you all settle back into school after the Christmas holidays. You have all began this term working very hard and I am looking forward to what you are all going to achieve for the rest of this term.
This past week in maths, we have been working hard on recognising coins and notes and thinking about which coins and notes we would use to create a given total.
In English we have read our class story ‘The lighthouse keepers lunch.’ You have all thought carefully about your use of new vocabulary. We have taken part in drama portraying different characters.
We have also been thinking about our new topic of ‘the coast’ and have begun to think about the british coastline and what it is like there.
Please see this weeks Home learning below and make sure that you complete the assignments set on Edshed, if there are any issues in completing any Home learning, please come and see me before Wednesday 22nd so that we can resolve this.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Hopper
You will be drawing or painting a picture that shows the Great Fire of London. Use the colours red, orange and yellow to show the fire blazing.
Have a lovely weekend
Ms June
Your homelearning this half-term is to research the Great Fire of London and to create an informative poster about it, make it colourful and have fun with it!
I hope you have a lovely half-term.
Ms June
Dear parents and carers,
The children have had an enjoyable week of learning.
Please find below the link to this week’s home learning:
Home learning Week ending 111024
In next week’s learning the children will be creating a bus in Design & Technology if you could please donate the following :
Cardboard boxes, empty cardboard cereal boxes and plastic bottle tops.
Thank you for your support and we hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Riccardi and Mrs Brown
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week the children celebrated St Cyprian’s day and created an icon. They continued to learn about Rosa Parks and enjoyed continuing to develop skills for cross country and football.
The children continue to participate in Golden Time on Friday, if you have any junk modelling for the children to use could you please kindly donate.
Please find the link for the home learning.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Riccardi, Mrs Brown and Mrs Peters.