Welcome to Year 1
Hello Parents and Carers,
What exciting first week it has been! The children are settling well and have lots of new, exciting experiences ahead of them. I cannot wait to see their journey!
This week we have been warming our brains up by refreshing Maths knowledge that was introduced last year such as numbers to 10 and number problems. In English, we tested our spelling and comprehension skills, and I must say that I am very impressed.
We started to think about our Computing topics this week, which was keeping safe online. We heard a story called Hanni and the magic window, and the children learned the importance of trusted adults when using the internet and to never keep secrets if something has upset you online.
The children also wrote a prayer for the year ahead, which will be displayed in the classroom.
Just a reminder that PE is on Monday and Friday, so please send the children in wearing their PE kits as they no longer get changed in the classroom this low down the school.
It is also important that names are written in all items of school clothing, so that we avoid uniform getting lost.
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Rashti
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the focused was on recapping various English topics, so that the children are secure in those areas.
In Maths this week, we focused consolidating on a few things that the children needed to be secure in.
This week in Geography, the children’s had a couple of pictures relating to Shanghai. They worked in groups and had to write around the pictures what was a physical and a human feature of Shanghai.
In PE, we continued with teaching the children about rounders and athletics.
In Computing the children had the opportunity of using a different app called ‘Storyboardthat’, which is a powerful tool for visual communication. The Storyboard Creator is a tool that helps the create storyboards quickly using a drag and drop feature. The storyboarding tool makes it easy to bring characters, scenes, themes, and timelines to life. They children had fum creating their own storyboard.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the focused was on using time phrases, breaking down the key elements of a narrative and then planning and writing a narrative of their choice.
In Maths this week, we focused days of the week, months of the year, hours, minutes, seconds, and time to the hour and half an hour.
This week in Geography, the children’s had to identify the physical and human features in a non-European country, China. On a postcard, the children had to draw one human feature and one physical feature from China and then write the name of the features and what kind of feature they are.
In Science this week, the children had to measure footprints using a ruler. They first had to draw the footprint of an animal. measure the length of the footprint and then guess which animal it was. When they completed the task, they were shown a real picture of the footprint relating to the one thy had drawn and were given the answers.
In PE, we continued with teaching the children about rounders and athletics.
In Computing, the children had the opportunity of choosing a character and writing a story about their chosen character, using the Purple Mash App.
What a lovely turn out for the school Summer Fair, thank you all for attending and we hope you had a good time.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the focused was on understanding past tense verbs, using past tense verbs in a sentence, understanding what an adjective is, writing simple sentences using adjectives and and the children also looked at conjunctions and wrote sentences using a conjunction.
In Maths this week, we focused on money, looked at the coins and notes that we use and their value. The children also learnt to add the value of the coins and notes and not just add the amount of coins. The children had a lesson also on the days of the week.
This week in Geography, the children’s focus was to name and locate some continent on a world map. They sang a song about the seven continents, then they had to locate the UK, Asia, Europe and China on their map.
In Science, the focus this week was to describe and compare the features of animals. The children were given pictures of the animals and a paragraph about each one and then they had to write about the animal unique features.
In PE, the children practiced for their Sports day.
What a wonderful and happy Sports Day we had today! The weather was great, the children had fun and were excited and it was lovely to see so many parents, family and carers come out to support their child/children.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, we focused on nouns, pronouns, capital letters and full stops. Towards the end of the week the children planned and wrote a narrative.
In Maths this week, we focused on 1 more, 1 less of a given number, compared different numbers, had a lesson on practical activities and a lesson on recognising coins and notes.
In Design and Technology, this term, the children’s task is to design and make a puppet, based on the story of ‘kai and The Monkey King’. So this week they started to design a puppet, learnt how to thread a plastic children’s needle and sew a basic stitch.
In place of Science and Geography the children continued with making their puppet, as this would take them a while to get use to threading, sewing and to make the various parts of their puppet such as the eyes, ears, hair etc.
In PE, the children continued with the next lesson on Rounder’s and Athletics.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the looked at what a ‘Narrative’ is and it features. They focused on the story of ‘The Big Box’ and looked at nouns, past tense verbs and had to plan and write their own narrative by the end of the week.
In Maths this week, we focused on counting from 10’s to 100, counting from 50 to 100, using a number line to 100 and partitioning into 10’s and 1’s.
This term we will focus on Geography and our topic is ‘What is it like to live in Shanghai. The first lesson was based on teaching the children about the difference between Human Features and Physical Features.
In Science, our new topic is ‘Investigating Science Through Stories’. This week the children used data to answer a question, ‘Do taller tress have wider trunks?’ and then they went outside with a measuring tape to test their answer.
In PE, this term the children will be focusing on ‘Rounders’ and ‘Athletics’.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the children continued learning about the new text ‘Procedure’ and this week the text was on ‘How to Make a Bear Spoon Family’. They discussed the text, looked at nouns and verbs and had to plan and write their own procedure text.
In Maths this week, we focused on describing turns, left, right, forward and backwards, describing the position above and below and ordinal numbers.
In History, the focus was to describe a significant person called Mae C Jemison and design a coat of arms for her.
In Science, the children continued with ‘Introduction to Plants’.
In PE, the children were taught the next lesson on Basketball and Fitness.
Have a wonderful, fun filled and restful week!
The Year 1 Team.
Home reading – you can make a difference this half-term!
Dear parents/ carers,
Your child has made super progress in their reading this year.
Let’s keep them reading this half-term for maximum success in the Phonics Screening Check after half term.
The plan
- Set aside 10 minutes to watch films with your child each day.
- Find a quiet space for your child to watch the film on a laptop or tablet.
- Praise your child as they join in with the lesson.
Listen to your child read every day
You will find Read Write Inc. Storybooks in their bookbag for your child to read to you.
Choose a quiet time when they are wide awake.
Help your child to:
- read the sounds and words at the front of the book, before they read the story
- sound out any new words as they read the story.
Read back each page to them, after they have read it.
If the child has enjoyed the story, encourage them to read it again on the next day to increase their fluency.
Most importantly…do it all with patience.
Your support matters!
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the children started a new text called ‘Procedure’ and the text presentation was based on ‘How to Use a School Crossing’. The children were also taught about the features of a procedure and were able to plan and write their own procedure text.
In Maths, the children were learning about half of an object, half of a quantity, quarter of a shape and quarter of an quantity.
In History, the children looked at the similarities and differences between Dame Ellen MacArthur and Christopher Columbus.
Last week Sunday was Pentecost Sunday and in RE the children learnt why it was a special celebration. They also were taught what happened on the day of Pentecost for the 12 disciples and that the birth of the Christian Church was created on that day.
In Science, they had the task of observing different types of seeds, predicting whether they were a plant or fruit and learnt that observations do not always match predictions.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.
Dear Parents and Carers,
In English, the children have continued looking at Information Report and their topics were based on being ‘Show Animals’ and ‘Leaves’. They have focused on high frequency words, sentence structure and building upon the word and sentences that they have written.
In Maths, the children were learning to about arrays, doubles. equal groupings with sharing, and and equal groups with grouping.
In History, as this term is ‘Explorers’, the children learnt about Christopher Columbus life and then had to record his events on a timeline.
In PE, the children continued learning about ‘Basketball’ and ‘Fitness’.
In RE, we talked about how God wants us to share and that it is important to share with those in need and less fortunate than us.
In Science, as our topic this term is ‘Plants’, the children had the task of drawing a plant and labeling the four parts of a plant and wrote what each part is used for.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.