Welcome to Year 1
Dear Parents, Carers,
Reminder: On the 30th June the children can come to school dressed up as a Jungle/Rainforest animal or in the colours of the animal as this links to our topic this term. We will also be doing spellings each week, which will be sent home to practice at the weekend.
For English this week, the children continued with our topic book for this term, ‘There’s a Tiger in The Garden’ and focused on describing the characters, describing the story setting and sequencing a story board. In Maths the children were taught telling the time and we focused on O’clock and Half Past the Hour and they had fun creating their own clocks using a paper plate and decorating it.
For RE, we continued looking at the life of Moses, in the Old Testament and focused on the story of the Red Sea and how God can do the miraculous with ordinary people and objects. In the New Testament, we looked at the story of the ‘The Good Samaritan’, learning about how God wants us to be kind and to help anyone in need not just our friends or those we know.
In Art, the children created a lovely picture of a tiger and used one of their hands to make the body and tail, and in PSHE, our topic is ‘Healthy Me’ and we looked at being clean and healthy.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Spellings: Week ending 23.06.23
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 35
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week in English, the children focused on the book ‘There’s a Tiger in My Garden’. They had to make a prediction based on what they saw on the front cover of the book and what they think might happen in the story. They had the opportunity to describe a character’s feelings, they had to write an invitation on how to make a person feel liked and to express the feelings of two of the characters. For grammar, the children learned about the suffix ‘-ful’ and had to add it to some root words, for example the word rest – restful, and then put it into a sentence.
In Math’s, the children focused on counting on in 5’s and 10’s and in RE, the children looked at an Old Testament story, the beginning part of Moses’s life (God has a plan for everyone) and in the New Testament, we looked at the story of The Five Loaves and the Two Fish (the importance of sharing and that Jesus is a miracle worker).
In Topic, we looked at the term ‘deforestation’ (the cutting down of a wide area of trees) and the children had to compare the before and after of a rainforest setting. They also looked at a jungle documentary which they thoroughly enjoyed watching.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear Parents, Carers,
Firstly, we hope you all had a wonderful, happy and restful half term. How time has flown and we are now in the last half term of the school year.
This week in English, the children have focused on a picture of a tiger in a jungle (Take One) that we went to look at the National Museum by Henri Rousseau (Surprised!). The children had to imagine that they were the tiger and had to describe their surroundings using their five senses and they also had to describe the picture using the five W’s (Who, Where, What, Why, When). Another task they had to do was to make a prediction of what they think would happen next.
In Maths, we looked at counting forwards and backwards in two’s, counting in two’s using a number line and was introduced to odd and even numbers. Our topic was based on locating were tigers lived on a world map, writing a few facts about tigers and writing about the similarities and differences between London and a Rainforest. In Art, the children had the opportunity to draw the Take One picture, by Henri Rousseau and in RE, the children were taught about an Old Testament story called The Jealous Brothers and a New Testament story called ‘A Great Idea’.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Weekly writing task:Homelearning Week 33
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear parents/ carers,
Your child has made super progress in their reading this year.
Let’s keep them reading this half-term for maximum success in the Phonics Screening Check after half term.
Watch Virtual Classroom films:
Ay: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/geCyZbjX/K44KiRRD
Ee: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/mLTcpKQw/ajMSy2mD
Igh: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/27hO3UhU/impxhnP2
Or: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/k06EVQIM/YQ1WJNbQ
Air: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/pYHd7Wga/HbS8SFil
Ir: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/0BwCBIib/cf6iwqB6
Ou: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/q0LVle2x/MG4QGX3H
a-e: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/DHLgctx2/CuaThde7
i-e: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/aPy5rEOe/moxcTUTT
o-e: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ntep8Ja8/F6VfLfXK
u-e: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Hy7gQGn1/R0UTwmhI
aw: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/UdVb16Nr/KB1VFkRc
ur: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/HvNKDXjV/uj7MdGMR
ure: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/aw5No1Io/fLDt5LDp
The plan
- Set aside 10 minutes to watch films with your child each day.
- Find a quiet space for your child to watch the film on a laptop or tablet.
- Praise your child as they join in with the lesson.
Listen to your child read every day
You will find Read Write Inc. Storybooks in their bookbag for your child to read to you.
Choose a quiet time when they are wide awake.
Help your child to:
- read the sounds and words at the front of the book, before they read the story
- sound out any new words as they read the story.
Read back each page to them, after they have read it.
If the child has enjoyed the story, encourage them to read it again on the next day to increase their fluency.
Most importantly…do it all with patience.
Your support matters!
Dear Parent, Carer,
This week has been Science week and the children have had so much fun being scientists, where they have investigated and experimented with different types of materials. They first had to make a prediction and record whether a particular material was waterproof or not, then they had the opportunity to test out their prediction to see if they were right. Then they learnt about ‘absorbency’ what materials were absorbent and which ones were not. The children were given different types of everyday materials, such as cotton wool, fabric, newspaper, cubes, a ruler and some cubes to experiment with and used a pipette to test out which material was absorbent or not. Another science activity that the children enjoyed doing was first to design a boat using one type of material only that we had looked at and then they had the opportunity to test out their boat to see if it was waterproof or not.
In Maths, the children were taught how to solve worded problems and in RE the children the children looked at story from the Old Testament called God’s Promise to Abraham and they also looked at a story from the New Testament called ‘The Very Scary Storm’.
Have a wonderful Weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 32
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear parent/Carer,
This week in English, the children focused on writing a step by step set of instructions on ‘How to Make a Jam Sandwich’. They then made a jam sandwich following their instructions, which they thoroughly enjoyed making and eating it. We recapped on the book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and the children then had to write a book review about what their favourite part was, why it was their favourite part and if they would change any part of the story.
In Maths, we have focused on the children being secure with their number bonds to 10 and showing them how to add three 1-digit numbers with making 10 first. For topic, the children first designed a hand puppet and then made and decorative their puppet, using coloured felt.
In RE, we looked at Sikhism, their place of worship, what happens when you enter their place of worship the Gurdwara, special and important features of their temple and what their holy book is called and how the community is helped.
During PSHE this week, the children continued their learning about dreams and goals. The children worked together in pairs to try and agree on a goal or achievement they both wanted E.g. To learn to skip. The children understood that there will be times you need to work in a team to achieve your goals.
Have a wonderful Weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 31
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear Parent /Carer,
This week in English, the children have been learning to use the prefix ‘un’ to change words. They also wrote a letter in the role of Mr Grinlings, warning a fisherman about the seagulls taking his lunch and how to solve the problem . In Maths, the children continued with the unit ‘Numbers to 40’ and focused on simple subtraction using a whole, part, part model. In RE, they were taught about being ‘Happy to Respect Differences’ and made a list of how they were similar or different to their friend and were taught about being ‘Happy to be Thankful’ and wrote a list of the things they were thankful for.
Our topic this week was based on looking at seaside entertainment in the Victorian times. The children watched a puppet show and then designed a poster for people to attend the show. We then discussed and made a list of the type of materials that they thought the puppets were made out of.
Have a wonderful Weekend!
Weekly writing task:Homelearning Week 30
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week in English, the children focused on writing a set of instructions for making a fruit kebab and then made their kebab using real fruits. We also continued with looking at the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. The children had to create a decoy lunch to stop the seagulls from eating Mr Grinling’s lunch. They came up with some interesting ideas.
In Maths, we are continuing with looking at numbers within 40 and have been concentrating on looking at simple subtraction questions. In RE, this week the children have been learning about the importance of forgiving someone when that person has hurt them and had the opportunity to create a beautiful ‘Forgiveness Bracelet’ which included two crosses. Our second RE topic was about ‘Telling the Truth’ and how important it is to always tell the truth. The children had the task of working in groups to sort out pictures and to place them in the column of either ‘Honest’, Dishonest’ and ‘Not Sure’. They then presented this to the class, followed by a discussion.
Have a wonderful and happy Bank Holiday Weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 29
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week, for English, the children have continued looking at the book, ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. The children worked in groups and wrote their plans on how the Lighthouse Keeper and his wife could solve the problem of the seagulls eating his lunch. They also had an activity where they had to use the suffixes ‘s’ and ‘es’ when writing their list for a fruit kebab. The children recapped on how to write an instruction using ordinal words such as ‘First’, ‘Next’, ‘Then’ and ‘Finally’. They wrote their instruction on ‘How to Wash Your Hands’.
In Maths, the children continued with ‘Numbers to 40’, securing how to add two 2-digit numbers using the column addition method, with and without regrouping. For RE, we talked about ‘Happy to Help’, focusing on how Jesus helped others and on how can we can help someone at school and at home. For PSHE, we focused on what our dreams and goals are.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 28
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers
Dear parent/Carer,
I hope you had a wonderful and restful Easter holiday.
The topic for this term is ‘The seaside’ and the children looked at what a seaside is and the features of a seaside town. In maths we have continued with regrouping by adding two, 2-digit numbers and in RE the children were taught about Buddhism and created a beautiful Mandala using patterns and symbols to represent feelings and thoughts. We also looked at in RE about the importance of obeying our parents and God.
In English, we started a new book called The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and the children were asked to first make a prediction about what they thought the story is about. Then we focused on the characters and they wrote a description of each character.
Have a great weekend!
Weekly writing task: Homelearning Week 27
Maths/phonics: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/
Miss Nicholson & Miss Weithers