Welcome to Year 2

Year 2 09.12.22

Homelearning aut2 w6

Use this template for storyboard if you like:


Next week is our Nativity! Please could the children bring in black clothing if they are a narrator!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss Ali

Year 2 02.12.22

Please find homelearning attached:

Homelearning aut2 w5

Our nativity is almost here! The children have been practicing very hard.

Please remember to practice your recorder too!

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 25.11.22

Homelearning aut2 w4

Please ensure that the children practice the song that has been sent home with their recorders!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali


Year 2 18.11.22

Please ensure your children practice their lines for the nativity and their recorders.

Homelearning aut2 w3


Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 11.11.22

Homelearning aut2 w2

Year 2 04.11.22

Homelearning aut2 w1

Please ensure that your children practice using their recorders!

Can they also practice their lines for the Nativity as we have started rehearsing but a lot still do not know their lines.

Have a good weekend,

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 21.10.22

Please find attached the homelearning: Homelearning Aut 1 Week 7

We have had a lovely half term! The children have progressed so much in such a short space of time, we cannot wait to see what they achieve after half term!

All children would have received their lines for our Nativity! This will be on the 16th December 2022 and a message will be sent out nearer the time. Please help your child to learn their lines during half term because after, we will be doing lots of practicing!

Have a lovely half term!

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 14.10.22

This weeks homelearning:

Homelearning Aut 1 Week 6

The children really enjoyed their workshop on Black History Icons yesterday! We have now finished our learning on Rosa Parks and created an interesting poem about her.

Next week is Science week where the children will be doing lots of experiments.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 07.10.22

On Monday, it is #HelloYellow Day. Children can wear yellow to school.

This weeks homelearning:

Homelearning Aut 1 Week 5

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali

Year 2 30.09.22

We have had a great week continuing to learn about Rosa Parks. We are very excited about our upcoming workshop on Black History!

This weeks homelearning: Homelearning Aut 1 Week 4

The children will be finishing their learning on Rosa Parks soon and will be writing biographies all about her.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs. Clarke-Benson and Miss. Ali