Welcome to Reception

Reception 01.06.20

Hello all,

I hope that you have all had a lovely half term and have enjoyed the lovely weather.

This weeks online learning videos from the oak national  academy are linked below;

Oak national academy reception weekly videos.


Please continue to access Ruth Miskins live phonics lessons daily. Be aware that there are several different videos for children at different stages of the read write inc phonics programme, please ensure that you access the video which is relevant to your child’s level of phonics.

Please also allow your child time to practice their phonics knowledge through games using the websites listed below and also through reading books.





Speaking and listening- Day 1

GR_teddys lists book

Reading- day 2

Writing- Day 3

Rainbow rhyming day 4 and 5- can you create your own rhyming rainbow.



White rose Reception weekly videos

Maths additional task 1

Maths additional task 2.

Maths additional task 3

Hope you enjoy your learning at home, stay safe.

Miss Hopper and Miss Panayi

Reception Home Learning-18.05.20

Hello all,

I hope that everybody is managing to stay safe,  once again there are links below for some learning below, it was lovely to speak to you all at the beginning of last week, Myself and Miss Panayi will be calling you all again this week.

This weeks online learning videos from the oak national  academy are linked below;

Oak national academy reception weekly videos.


Please continue to access Ruth Miskins live phonics lessons daily. Be aware that there are several different videos for children at different stages of the read write inc phonics programme, please ensure that you access the video which is relevant to your child’s level of phonics.

Please also allow your child time to practice their phonics knowledge through games using the websites listed below and also through reading books.






Day 1- Speaking and Listening.

Day 2-Reading.

Spring for the Birds Book

Day 3- Writing

Day 4 and 5 High Frequency words.



White Rose weekkly videos for reception

Additional maths task 1

Additional maths task 2

Additional maths task 3

Please enjoy your home learning this week and remember to stay safe and have fun!

Miss Hopper and Miss Panayi


Dear Parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6,
As you are aware, the government is asking primary schools to welcome back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from the week commencing 1st June and we are currently making plans for this.
To this end, I am asking parents to complete the short questionnaire for each child in the year groups above on the attached link by Tuesday 19th May.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Mantilas​



Reading at home

Hello Everyone

We are now able to provide  log in details to the Oxford Reading Tree website . This will mean that you can access Read Write inc books at home, these are the books that your children have been bringing home and will be familiar to them.

Please click the link below and follow the details on how to access your class login.


  1. Use the link provided to take you to the oxford owl website.
  2. Click ‘My Class Login’ at the top of the page.
  3. Use the details for your class listed below.

Kefallonia- Username:- Kefallonia01 Password:– St Cyprians

Corfu- Username:- corfu01  Password:-stcyprians01

Once you are logged in you can click onto ‘My Bookshelf’ this will take you to a variety of E-books, to access the read write inc books, please click on ‘Series’ and select ‘Read Write Inc. from the drop down menu.

We hope that you enjoy reading all of of these new books.

Stay safe

Miss Hopper and Miss Panayi.