Welcome to Year 4
This week in Ithaca…
In English, the children focused on using various descriptive words to write a powerful description. They applied their five senses to describe different settings considering the atmosphere and mood and used comprehension skills to answer retrieval questions. Furthermore, the children evaluated how personification is used in description. They identified examples from the text where the author gave inanimate objects human characteristics.
In Maths, the children learnt about factor pairs and used their knowledge about this concept to write equivalent calculations. The children were able to identify which factor pair produces the easiest calculation to complete mentally. Furthermore, the children explored multiplying by 10 and 100. The children recognise that when multiplying by 10 or 100 the digits move one or two place value column to the left and zeros are needed as a placeholder in the now blank column.
In Geography, the children were able to describe why tropical rainforests are important and understand the threat to the Amazon. The children were able to describe how humans harm the Amazon rainforest. Furthermore, the children discussed what they could do to make a positive environmental change to the Amazon rainforest.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 17.01.25
Have a great weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In English, the children focused on using powerful phrases, developing prediction skills and understanding the impact of word choice. The children were able to describe a setting using powerful adjectives, expanded noun phrases and their five senses. Furthermore, the children made predictions about character’s actions and expressed an opinion on word choice through suggesting alternative words to change the impact on the reader.
In Maths, the children learnt that area is the amount of space taken up by a two-dimensional shape or surface. They explore different ways of working out the area of a shape, made rectilinear shapes using a given number of squares and work systematically to find and compare the areas of all the different rectilinear shapes.
In Geography, the children have been learning about the Amazon rainforest. The children considered and identified the location using an atlas and features of the Amazon rainforest and were able to describe and give examples of a biome. Furthermore, the children named and described the characteristics of the four layers of a tropical rainforest.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 10.01.25
Have a great weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
Our focus this week was on art, computing and music.
In art the children learnt how to darken or lighten colours when mixing paint, they experimented with different art mediums to see the effects they have on the finish product. They finished off the week with still life drawings, which then painted using the skills learnt from the week.
In Music, the children learnt to sing in tune and in time and finished off with understanding musical motifs.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 13.12.24
Have a great weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on exploring the effect of multiplying by 1. The children recognised that when they multiply a number by 1, the result will always be the number itself. The children also have applied their knowledge of division and explored what happens to a number when they divide it by 1 or itself. Furthermore, used prior knowledge of multiplication to multiply three numbers together.
In English, we focused on writing an opening that introduces the villain, planning an adventure story and using their plans to write their adventure story. The children considered their title, introduction, a build-up, dilemma, resolution and an ending.
In Computing, we have recognised what a variable is and how to use the ‘say’ and ‘ask’ blocks in scratch. Furthermore, the children were able to add or change a sprite and use a variable to record a score.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 06.12.24
Have a great weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on strengthening knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 7, 11 and 12 in order to become more fluent in the 7, 11 and 12 times-tables. The children have constructed fact families and used concrete and pictorial representations to make links between multiplication and division.
In English, we focused on understanding events from the text, creating and describing a hero and villain and writing an opening paragraph that introduces their hero. The children were able to use evidence from the text to support their responses. Furthermore, the children used word mats and thesaurus to choose various adjectives to write an engaging character description.
In Computing, we have learnt about the program ‘Scratch’. The children have developed understanding of how a Scratch game works by using decomposition to identify key features, deciphering actions that make the quiz game work and understanding what a variable is and how it works within a program.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 29.11.24
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on making links between the 3, 6 and 9 times-tables. The children used resources such as arrays and hundred squares, as well as were able to reason and explore number facts to look for structural patterns.
In English, we focused on identifying how the author creates tension, identified indirect speech and were able to compare characters from the text.
In Science, we have learnt about using classification keys to group, identify and name local living things, recognised that different living things live in different types of habitats and were able to recognise the impact humans can have on habitats.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 22.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on exploring the link between counting in 3s and the 3 times-table to understand multiples of 3 in a range of contexts. Additionally, the children have understanding of the fact that the 6 times-table is double the 3 times-table.
In English, we focused on retrieving information from the text and explaining a point using evidence. The children were able to describe the characters in chapter two of ‘The Iron Man’ considering their appearance and behaviour, as well as write an explanation about how the characters felt using evidence from the text.
In History, we have learnt about how the Roman soldiers were equipped for war and the Roman army battle formations. The children have made inferences about life in Roman times and have identified the Roman legacy in Britain.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 15.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on making choices about which method is most appropriate for a given calculation. Also, the children were able to estimate by rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand.
In English, we focused on identifying the other key characters in chapter two of the class novel ‘The Iron Man’. The children used drama to explore the origins of the Iron Man and were able to pick a story idea and then use the drama style to explore the story.
For our History lesson next week, we will be re-enacting some of the Roman soldiers training. For those of you who have not brought a shield, you will need to bring in recycle packaging that can be used to make the shield.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 08.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have continued to focus on adding two 4 digit numbers with more than one exchange and compliments to 100 and 1,000. The children used place value counters in a place
value chart alongside the formal written method. Furthermore, the children considered whether they have enough ones/tens/hundreds to make an exchange.
In English, we focused on expressing opinions about a text and identify adjective phrases that create a vivid picture. The children were able to write an opening paragraph for chapter one in the class text that engage the reader with the use of imagery, repetition, rhetorical questions and short sharp sentences to build suspense.
In Science, we have focused on sorting animals into groups based on shared characteristics. The children were able to identify broad groups of animals (invertebrates) and created a carroll diagram to sort the invertebrate cards. The children used animal sorting word banks to consider a variety of criteria.
For those of you who will be remaining in school, you will be having a fun packed few days all about the Romans. You will need to bring in some resources. Please see the list below:
- Empty cereal boxes
- Kitchen roll tubes
- Any small cardboard packaging including paper packaging (Amazon)
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 01.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Molyneux
This week in Ithaca…
In Maths, we have focused on subtracting 4 digit numbers with no exchange, one exchange and more than one exchange. The children continued to practice using the columnar method to work out each calculation.
In English, we focused on poetry. The children were able to identify the themes in a poem, recognise poetic features and explain the structure of a poem.
In Science, we have recognised that animal faeces can give us clues about digestion, teeth and diet. The children described what are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, looked for clues in images of animal faeces and explained why faeces is useful evidence.
Please find the home learning attached:
Ithaca Home Learning – 18.10.24
Have a wonderful half term.
Miss Molyneux