Welcome to Year 3

Half Term week

Hi Year 3!

We have decided to give you a break from the home learning this week so enjoy your half term!

Please make sure to practice your times tables and your spellings, which are attached. You will be tested first week back.  y3_wl_aut_7

See you soon!

Miss Clarke and Miss Sandberg 🙂

Week beginning 15th October 2018

It is inclusion week!

We have lots of exciting activities and learning planned for the whole week. These include black history month, being a good friend, road safety and being safe online.

Attached is the spellings. These will be challenged Friday 19th October.

We hope you have a lovely week!


week beginning 8th October 2018

Hello Year 3!

Attached is the blog post for the week. The spellings and home learning writing task are included.


We hope you have a good weekend!

Year 3 1.10.18

This week the children will be learning how to use the formal columnar method for adding three digit numbers! They will also be answering questions by measuring, using mm, cm and m.

Please continue to practise times tables as the children have a weekly challenge.

2x,3x,4x,5x,8x and 10x.

In literacy we will be learning how to write a factual report using statements.

This weeks spellings y3_wl_aut_4

Please ensure that every item of clothing is labelled, especially for swimming lessons.

Have a lovely week!


Year 3

Year 3 24.09.18

This week in literacy we will be doing some non-fiction writing. Within this topic we will be comparing non-fiction and fiction and we will be learning how to write statements.

This weeks spellings y3_wl_aut_3

Please ensure that you are practising spellings daily at home.

In numeracy we will be learning how to find number bonds to 100 using the bridging method and we will be adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers mentally. We will also be learning how to find the perimeter of a 2D shape. We noticed last week that some children found it tricky using a ruler correctly to measure, so this may be something you could practise at home.

We have now updated spellodrome and mathletics, so please check these for some activities and home learning.

Spetses have swimming on Wednesday, please ensure that every item of your child’s clothes has their name on it and that they have a full swimming kit.


Have a lovely week!

year 3 17.09.18

This week in literacy we will be continuing our learning of fairy tales by writing our own. Within this we will be learning how to write extended sentences with a subordinate clause to make our writing more interesting.


Image result for main clause and subordinate clause examples

Our spellings this week for a test on Friday are: y3_wl_aut_2


In numeracy we will be learning how to use rulers to draw 2D shapes to the nearest cm, please practise using rulers for measuring and drawing shapes at home. We will also be learning about the perimeter of 2D shapes and learning our number bonds to 100!


In RE we will be learning about the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashana!

Please practise signing into purple mash at home as we use these logins for computing lessons in school.

Don’t forget the times table challenge every Tuesday!


Have a fantastic week!

Year 3 10.9.18

This week in literacy we will be looking at the features of fairy tales, this is a good opportunity to share some at home and discuss some of the common features.

Please click the following link for this weeks spelling challenge words. The spelling challenge will take place every Friday.


In numeracy we will be looking at place value in a three digit number and how to add ten more and 100 more.

We will begin to challenge the children on their times tables, next week we will challenge the children on their 3x table.

Spetses challenge will be on Mondays and Zakynthos challenge will be on Tuesdays.

Have a lovely week!


Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely summer holidays!

This week, we will be getting to know the children and settling them into Year 3.

Each child has been given a brand new reading record with a new book. Please ensure your child is reading at home daily so that they can choose other exciting books to read.

If you would like a head start at home, the Year 3 times tables are 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s and 10s.

Every Friday, the children will receive their home learning task which will be due the following Wednesday.

As they are now in Year 3, they need to bring their own snacks for break. This must be an item of fruit.

We hope you have a wonderful week and are excited for the year!

Year 3 25.6.18

This week in literacy we will be researching famous authors, using our skills to identify main ideas and summarise them.

We will then use the information that we have found to create information leaflets and PowerPoint presentations.

In numeracy we will be revising our learning on telling the time. This is something you can do at home often together with your children, it is vital to continue this at home as it will embed the children’s learning.

Spetses will not have swimming this week, but it will continue next week as normal. The final lesson will be on the 18th July.

This weeks spellings y3_wl_sum_10


Have a lovely week!

18.6.17 YEAR 3

This Monday and Friday are the year three trips to the London Sealife Centre.

Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time with a packed lunch. Packed lunches must be labelled with names, contain no nuts and should only contain items that can be thrown away so that the children do not have to carry them afterwards.

Spetses class went today and they had a fabulous time!

In literacy this week, we will be looking at poetry with onomatopoeia and puns!

This weeks spellings y3_wl_sum_9

In numeracy we will be looking at time again, we will also be solving problems relating to time.


Have a lovely week!