Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 11.06.18

This week in literacy we will be continuing our learning about play scripts.

This weeks spellings y3_wl_sum_8


In numeracy, we will continue with our learning about mass and we will be learning how to read scales.

In topic we will be learning about the world cup!

In science we are learning about plants and how they grow.


Have a lovely week!


Year 3 4.6.18

Welcome back from half term!

This week in literacy we will be learning about  the features of play scripts and comparing them to prose.

This weeks spellings y3_wl_sum_7

In numeracy, we will be looking at how multiplication undoes division and how division undoes multiplication.

We will also be learning how to add and subtract mass.

Our new topic in RE is ‘love means serving others’.

Please remember to change reading books as often as possible.


Have a lovely week!

Year 3 21.05.18

This week in school is Arts Week!

We hope you had a fun weekend enjoying the Royal Wedding, we thought it was a stunning event!

We have lots of exciting activities planned around the topic of ‘bee the best that you can bee’, we will also be learning about our adopted WWF animal, the orangutan.

Please remember, on Friday, the children can dress up as somebody from history in London, or who has made history in London. Please do not worry about buying new outfits, the children can come up with creative ways of using what they already have at home.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings: y3_wl_sum_6

The children will also be receiving a visit from the zoo lab! They will have a chance to stroke some very exciting creatures!

Have a lovely week!

Year 3 team.

Year 3 14.05.18

This week in literacy, we will be writing adventure stories, these are stories with repeated problems and resolutions.

In these stories we will be making sure that we are using inverted commas for speech correctly, paragraphs and adventurous vocabulary.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings:y3_wl_sum_5

In numeracy we will be learning how to add and subtract different lengths, we will also be practising how to use rulers to measure and we will be looking at how many mm in a cm, cm in a m etc.

We will also be continuing to look at different multiplication and division problems and working out how to solve them.

Last week in topic, the children had lots of fun measuring their shadows at different points of the day and looking at the position of them. We compared how the length and position changed throughout the day and talked about the position of the sun. The children really enjoyed doing this.

Please continue to learn times tables at home for a times table challenge every Friday!

All of the children have made great progress in their reading this year, please ensure you are reading as often at home as possible and change books regularly in school.

Have a lovely week!



Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely bank holiday.

This week in numeracy we will be learning how to divide two digit numbers by one digit numbers using formal methods. The children that have mastered this will move on to three digit numbers. We will also be solving problems including fractions. please practise these at home.

In literacy we will be continuing with persuasive writing. We will also be practising writing sentences dictated by the teacher.

Please click here for this weeks spellings y3_wl_sum_4.


Have a lovely week.

Year 3 week beginning 30th April

In Literacy we will be looking at the features of persuasive writing. For example, adverts, letters and speeches. This week we will be writing our own persuasive adverts.

In Numeracy we will be recapping how to multiply 1 digit and 2 digit numbers as well as ordering fractions and finding the fraction of a number. Help your child by ordering fractions with your child at home, use fraction diagrams and shapes to help them visualise it! Remember:

  • If the denominator is the same, the bigger the numerator the larger the fraction. 1/4 is greater than 2/4.
  • If the numerator is the same, the bigger the numerator the smaller the fraction. 2/9 is smaller than 2/8.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings. y3_wl_sum_3

Year 3 23.4.18

This week in literacy we will be looking at the features of different shape poems and we will be composing our own.

Image result for shape poems

In numeracy we will be learning about equivalent fractions. Help your child by finding as many equivalent fractions as you can! remember to multiply the numerator and the denominator by the SAME number.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings. y3_wl_sum_2


Year 3 16.4.18

Welcome back from the holidays! We hope you had a lovely Easter!

This week in numeracy we will be learning how to solve problems, this will involve word problems and mathematical calculations. We will be using RUCSAC to help us get the correct answer.

Image result for rucsac

In literacy we will be learning how to compose calligrams and shape poems.

We will also be bringing back the spellings as we have noticed that they are not all on spellodrome.

Please click the link for this weeks spellings. y3_wl_sum_1

Have a lovely week!

Miss Sandberg and Miss Taylor.




This week in school our learning will be based around Holy week and we will be off timetable.


We will be doing lots of fun learning around Easter and we will be recapping learning we have done this term.


Please check the following lists of high frequency words that your children should know.

Practise the ones they find tricky to support them with their writing skills. There are two sets, start with the first 100 and then move onto the second set of 200 words.

Click the following links.

hfw100fp hfw200fp



Year 3 19.3.18

This week we will be starting our learning on the stories of Holy Week, leading up to Easter. This will cover our RE and literacy learning, as we will be writing up the stories in various, creative ways.

We will be starting with Lazarus Saturday.

In numeracy, we will be learning how to estimate time and we will also be looking at different angles in shapes.

Have a lovely week,

Year three.