Welcome to Year 5

Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.

Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.

To continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:


Conjunctions and Prepositions with audio

Year 5 Week 12 Day 1

Year 5 Week 12 Day 2

Year 5 Week 12 Day 3

Year 5 Week 12 Day 4

Year 5 Week 12 Day 5


Y5 Week 12 Day 1 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 12 Day 1

Y5 Week 12 Day 2

Y5 Week 12 Day 3

Y5 Week 12 Day 4 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 12 Day 4

Y5 Week 12 Day 5

Have a safe and productive week

Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou

Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Good Morning Year 5,


I hope that you are all well and are staying safe and busy.

As you may be aware from the news, there have been numerous protests across the world in light of the death of George Floyd. The Black Lives Matter campaign, founded in 2013, has lead the movement in response to the injustice experienced by black people in America. As a result of this, many countries across the world have also protested to stand in solidarity. I have inserted some pages below from a colouring book that focuses on some of the Black Lives Matter principles including Diversity, Empathy and Collective Values. I hope you feel empowered colouring these in and expressing your thoughts.



Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.

Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.

To continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:


Year 5 Week 11 Day 1

Year 5 Week 11 Day 2

Year 5 Week 11 Day 3

Year 5 Week 11 Day 4

Year 5 Week 11 Day 5

Adverbs of Possibility with audio

Relative Clause with audio




Y5 Week 11 Day 1

Y5 Week 11 Day 1 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 11 Day 2

Y5 Week 11 Day 3

Y5 Week 11 Day 4

Y5 Week 11 Day 4 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 11 Day 5


Have a safe and productive week

Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou




Week Beginning 1st June

Good Morning Year 5


This week is the start of final half term this academic year! This means that there are only 7 weeks left of year 5! I hope you have had a well rested half term and are refreshed!


Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.



Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.


If you would like to continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:


Formal and Informal with audio

Noun Phrases with audio

Year 5 Week 10 Day 1

Year 5 Week 10 Day 2

Year 5 Week 10 Day 3

Year 5 Week 10 Day 4

Year 5 Week 10 Day 5



Y5 Week 10 Day 1 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 10 Day 1

Y5 Week 10 Day 2

Y5 Week 10 Day 3

Y5 Week 10 Day 4 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 10 Day 4

Y5 Week 10 Day 5


Have a safe and productive Week!

Week Beginning 25th May

Good Morning Year 5


We hope that you’ve  had a nice bank holiday weekend and are enjoying the sun this week!


As this week is half term, the BBC Bitesize website will not be uploading new work this week. You can use this time to catch up on any previous work or follow the Oak Academy link  https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-5#schedule as they are launching new Activity Clubs this Half Term.

Make sure you are continuing to reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.


To continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:



Parenthesis with audio

Year 5 Week 9 Day 1

Year 5 Week 9 Day 2

Year 5 Week 9 Day 3

Year 5 Week 9 Day 4

Year 5 Week 9 Day 5



Y5 Week 9 Day 1 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 9 Day 1

Y5 Week 9 Day 2

Y5 Week 9 Day 3 Powerpoint

Y5 Week 9 Day 3

Y5 Week 9 Day 4

Y5 Week 9 Day 5




Enjoy your half term!!

Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou

Week Beginning 18th May

Good Morning Year 5


We hope that you’ve  had a nice weekend and are enjoying the sun this week!



This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the question up for debate is “Do you get enough sleep?” to reflect the fact that for many young people tend to sacrifice precious rest 

because of their busy lifestyles. Follow the discussion on this powerpoint Do We Get Enough Sleep ?



Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.




Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.


To continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:

Word Class with audio

Year 5 Week 8 Day 1

Year 5 Week 8 Day 2

Year 5 Week 8 Day 3

Year 5 Week 8 Day 4

Year 5 Week 8 Day 5



Y5 Week 8 Day 1_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y5 Week 8 Day 1

Y5 Week 8 Day 2

Y5 Week 8 Day 3_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y5 Week 8 Day 3

Y5 Week 8 Day 4_Powerpoint for Teachers

Y5 Week 8 Day 4

Y5 Week 8 Day 5


Have a safe and productive week!
Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou



Week Beginning 11th May

Good Morning Year 5

We hope that you had a wonderful bank holiday weekend and were able to do some creative activities in celebration of VE Day!

Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.



Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.


If you would like to continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:


Y5 Week 7 Day 1

Y5 Week 7 Day 2_Powerpoint

Y5 Week 7 Day 2

Y5 Week 7 Day 3

Y5 Week 7 Day 4

Y5 Week 7 Day 5_Powerpoint

Y5 Week 7 Day 5



Eric by Shaun Tan

Modal Verbs with audio

Year 5 Week 7 Day 1

Year 5 Week 7 Day 2

Year 5 Week 7 Day 3

Year 5 Week 7 Day 4

Year 5 Week 7 Day 5


Have a safe and productive week!

Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou

VE Day 8th May

Good Morning Year 5!


Today marks the 75th Anniversary of ‘Victory in Europe’ or VE Day which is a day we commemorate for the end of World War II in Europe. Across the continent, people are celebrating today. Below I have attached some resources and activities you can do today to learn more about VE Day.


VE Day comprehension

VE Day Poetry

There are lots of creative activities you can do today and over the bank holiday weekend to mark this historic occasion such as baking, and creating decorations! There is some more information here to give you some ideas VE day PDF version



Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Agyemang and Mr Loizou

Week Beginning 4th May

Good Morning Year 5

We hope that you are doing well and continuing to stay safe and keep busy!

Please continue to use these great resources recommended by the Department for Education. They are broken down into daily tasks.



Make sure you are reading daily – this is an important skill to maintain and also a great way to spend your time.


If you would like to continue to use the resources we’ve uploaded weekly, then you can find these below:


Y5 Week 6 Day 1_Powerpoint

Y5 Week 6 Day 1

Y5 Week 6 Day 2

Y5 Week 6 Day 3_Powerpoint

Y5 Week 6 Day 3

Y5 Week 6 Day 4

Y5 Week 6 Day 5




Relative Clauses Powerpoint with audio

Year 5 Week 6 Day 1

Year 5 Week 6 Day 2

Year 5 Week 6 Day 3

Year 5 Week 6 Day 4

Year 5 Week 6 Day 5


May the Fourth be with you

Happy Star Wars day!

Useful Resources

Hello Year 5!


During this school closure, health and wellbeing are very important. Here is a really good resource on Self Care and Well-Being that has been provided for free for you to complete during the time you are away from school.




There is a fantastic free book called the Book of Hopes that has been published by the National Literacy Trust and is free to download. It is a collection of short stories, poems, essays and illustrations by famous children’s authors. Please click on the following link and please do try to read it.




Votes for schools

This week, pupils will once again be discussing Coronavirus, but this time with a particularly international spin! The question up for debate is: “Should every country follow the same Coronavirus advice?”  Children can follow this powerpoint, KS2_Coronavirus_Debate_ highlighting the key points of this debate, before deciding whether universal guidance is possible or whether countries need to devise their own unique strategies.

Here is also some useful guidance from Votes for schools for learning at home Primary_Home_Learning_Pack




Have a lovely weekend!


Year 5 team