Welcome to Year 5

Ydra Spellings

Miss Sandberg will be testing you on these words on Monday 15th March

YDRA spellings 12.03

Samos – there will be no spellings for you this week. Your spellings for next week will be on the blog this Friday.

Week Beginning 23rd November

wk 4 blog

Week Beginning 16th November

wk 3 blog

Week beginning 9th November

wk 2 blog

Week beginning 02/11/20


We hope you had a lovely half term!

Please click the following link for home learning: wk 1 blog

The children also now have access to www.edshed.com where extra spelling challenges will be set, this is separate to their weekly spelling challenge. The children can use their purple mash passwords to access this learning. Please also remember to complete weekly mathletics challenges.

Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 16.10.20


Week beginning 12.10.20


Please click on the above link for home learning.

Please also remember, the children have home learning on Mathletics, the assignments will cover what we have learnt in class and therefore reinforce their learning, so far not many children have been doing this.

Children should also be reading daily at home, or as much as possible. It is good practice for them to read out loud, so please take some time to hear them reading to you. Children should be changing their home reading book regularly.

Children who read with expression have a much greater understanding of what they are reading, this in turn supports them with reading comprehension tasks. When you hear your child read, please encourage them to read with expression. Here is a fun video that you can share at home: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjtPMiumixA

Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 5.10.20

This week’s home learning writing task:

For this week’s home learning, I would like you to write a letter to an inspirational person from black history that you would like to come in, to host one of our dream catcher assemblies. They can be from past or present. Use persuasive language to convince them to come to our school.


  1. tolerant
  2. expectant
  3. observant
  4. hesitant
  5. defendant
  6. servant
  7. assistant
  8. pleasant
  9. occupant
  10. attendant

Please remember to login to mathletics to complete math’s home learning.


Have a lovely week!

Week beginning 28.9.20


Week beginning 21.9.20
