Welcome to Year 6

Home learning – 18.03.2022

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

Homework for this week:

Maths: There is a task set on Mathshed.

Spelling: There is a task set on Spellshed.

English: Write a diary entry in your homework books about any worries or concerns you have about SATs. Some questions to consider for your diary entry:  How do you feel about SATs? What worries/concerns do you have? How are you going to address these concerns? Who in your life do you feel supports you with this?

Have a restful weekend?

Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

Sustran’s Walk and Wheel to School

St Cyprian’s will be taking part in a walk and wheel to school competition from 21st March to 1st April!

How it works
On each day of the challenge schools compete to see
who can record the greatest number of pupils walking,
using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.
A school’s best five days will determine their final position
and schools at the top of their leaderboards will receive an
exclusive Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel certificate.

There are also opportunities to win individual prizes.

Be part of something BIG
Our vision is a society where the way we travel creates
healthier places and happier lives for everyone

More information can be found in the link below


Home learning – 11.03.2022

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

Homework for this week:

Maths: There is a task set on Mathshed.

Spelling: There is a task set on Spellshed.


Have a great weekend?

Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

4.4.22- Home Learning

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

Homework for this week:


Maths has been added on Maths shed this week  all on increasing and decreasing percentages.

English: (due Monday!!!)

Students are required to write an explanation text. All features have been discussed in class and all students have been old that this piece of work is due Monday 7.4.22 as it is needed for next weeks learning.

Choice of topics/skill:

  1. How to cook your favourite food.

2.  How to change a light bulb.

3.  How to make an origami swan


Have a great weekend and catch up on some sleep ?

Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

Homework 17.2.22

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

Well done for all your hard efforts this half term and enjoy some sleep.


Maths has been handed to all students with a focus on long division and adding / subtracting fractions.


Students are required to write their own fantasy story as a first draft in their homework books. Please make sure that all students are writing their story by hand and not on an electronic device as this will help with writing and spelling. (non-negotiables must be added)


Have a great break 🙂

Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

Home learning 11.02.2022

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

Well done for all your hard efforts this week.


This weeks homework is on Maths Shed and will be focusing on adding and subtracting fractions.


This weeks homework task is set on Spellshed.


Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

Homework 4.2.22

Good afternoon Yr 6’s,

I hope you have had a good week and have managed to get some sleep after your sugar rush. 🙂


This weeks homework is on Maths Shed and will be focusing on long division.


Write your own report using your knowledge of the Grand Canyon. (remember the non-negotiables).

Subheadings to include…

Key features:

How it was formed:

Where it is located:




Go for a walk/ run/ play a game outside.

Mr Skinner & Miss Bruno

Candle Decoration

Sharing of the light is a huge part of the Paschal service I would like the children to take a decorated candle home. Here are some ideas.




Year 6 Friday 27 November 2020

This week in English Year 6 have been writing their own suspense stories based on A Christmas Carol. In maths we have been multiplying and diving decimals. In history we learnt all about the Great Exhibition and in art we looked at how Victorian paintings told a story.

Home learning is on Mathletics, Read Theory, Spelling Shed and Purple Mash. Your writing task is as follows:

write a story that begins


It was there and then it had gone, why would a rabbit be on my bathroom floor?


Don’t forget Monday and Tuesday is our trip so wear something warm!


Have a fantastic weekend,


Ms Hayward and Mr loizou



Year 6 Friday 20th November 2020

This week has been very exciting for Year 6. On Wednesday we had a virtual workshop on zoom with Jennifer Killick, the author of our class book Crater Lake. She discussed all of our favourite characters with us and even inspired some of us to write our own books! We have continued to learn about Victorian London for our topic and we have done drama based on the ghosts in A Christmas Carol, done more map skills based on Victorian parks of London and found out what life was like for women in Victorian times. In maths we have been rounding decimals to several decimal places.

Your home learning this week is on Mathletics, Spelling Shed, Purple Mash, Read Theory and your writing task is as follows:

Your task this week is to write a letter a celebrity to ask them to come and visit your school. You can choose the celebrity and you can decide what you want them to do.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Ms Hayward and Mr Loizou