Welcome to Year 4

Home learning 26.3.21

Good afternoon Yr 4’s,

Purple Mash problems: 

As some of you are aware, we have recently had some trouble on Purple Mash and assigning work. This week will not be posted on Purple Mash but please still practice your times tables.

Home learning: 

This week you will be required to write your very own mystery story. This story can be about anything that you like but need to include..

  • Pencil
  • Magnifying glass
  • Golden orb
  • Please make sure that you re-read your work and check that it all makes sense. Check your grammar, spelling and try to make it as interesting as possible.

Home learning – 19.3.21

Good afternoon Yr4’s,

Well done this week, we have covered a lot of work in both English and Maths but have done a fantastic job!! 🙂

Home learning:  

This weekend your task will be to look on Purple Mash and complete the tasks. Please continue to practice your times tables because their may be a test soon.


Have a great weekend and spend sometime outside.

Mr Skinner & Mr Theophilou

Home learning 12.3.21

Good afternoon year 4’s,

Firstly,  I want to thank you for all of your efforts this week since coming back into school. It’s been great to see all of you again.

Secondly, if you have any old teddy bears or stuffed animals that you DON’T want, it would be greatly appreciated if you brought them into class for the school to use for experiments.

Lastly, this weeks home learning will be set on Purple Mash.


Have a nice weekend.

Mr Skinner & Mr Theophilou

Year 4 27th November 2020

Dear all,

Please see the homework attached below


Mr. Theophilou

Week ending 20.11.20

Dear all,


We will keep setting you multiplication assessments on purple mash. You must complete these as often as you can. They only take 5 minutes. If you get less than 20, you need to keep practising your times tables as often as you can. We cannot stress how important it is to practise these at home constantly as there is only limited time in the school to practise.

Have a great weekend


Mr Skinner and Mr Theophilou

Home learning 13.11.20

Hi all,


Have a good weekend.




Also next week we will be competing against schools all over England in Times Table rock stars. Use the log ins given during the week and try to help our classes come top in the country.

Have a good weekend

Year 4 Half term home learning

Hi all,

Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in over the half term. We are both immensely proud of the progress you have made over the 8 weeks.

Over the half term we will not be setting any writing homework as it is a good chance for you to relax and enjoy the amazing weather we will be having, 🙂

However we would like you to read every day (at least 30 minutes). Also practise your times tables using the links below:



Lastly this half term the school have created accounts for spelling shed to replace spellodorome. Using your purple mash log ins, go into that and play some spelling games. There will be A PRIZE for the person who is the leader in each class.


As always check Mathletics and purple mash for extra work as well.


Have a relaxing break,

Mr Skinner and Mr Theophilou

home learning 16/10/20


Home learning week ending 18.09.20
