Welcome to Nursery


Transport – in the water

This week we have been:

Learning about modes of transport you find in the water, the children have had fun telling the story of Mr Gumpy’s outing in the water tray and retelling the story of Noah’s Ark . We have been making boats on the creative table and making arks using big blocks.


Our reading this week was ‘a sailor came to see see see’ and ‘row row row your boat’ we hope you enjoy these rhymes in the children’s rhyme books. In phonics we have started looking at CVC words and saying the sounds we can hear.

In maths this week we have been counting the characters in Mr Gumpy’s boat and we have been learning the number 14 using Number blocks.


In RE this week we have been learning about The Three Hierarchs. We have been painting our own pictures of the Saints, making puzzles and exploring the Three Hierarchs icon.

In science this week we have been exploring near and far using Kit and Pup. We have been using the pirate ship, pirates and telescopes to explore what’s near and what’s far. We have also been thinking about near and far during PE.

Next week we will be:

  • Finishing our transport topic and the creation story.
  • Learning the number 15 and revisiting 2D shape.
  • Learning about Valentine’s Day.
  • Thinking about ways we would like to travel to school.

Messages home

Please make sure that the children’s names are in their jumpers. We are having a few issues with jumpers that have no names.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter



This week we have been:

Learning about transport we use on the ground. We thought about transport that runs on the road, on a track, on the grass and on the pavement. We read ‘The train ride’ and enjoyed thinking about what we see out of the window. We have been very busy this week making cars, buses, bikes, trains and people walking using the creative table. 

Please use this link and share the story at home – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHbE8kaBDKU

In math’s this week we have enjoyed making patterns using trains. We played a game on the board and we worked together to guess the next shape. We have also been learning about the number 13 using the number blocks. 

Please use this link and play at home! – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns

In RE this week we have continued the creation story with how God made the land.

In science this week we have had lots of fun exploring magnets! We used magnetic and non-magnetic to describe what we found. We found that magnets like metal objects. We loved finding metal things in our class. We had lots of fun using special magnetic building blocks, fishing for fish in the water and building train tracks. It was really interesting watching the magnets attract and repel each other!

This week we also revisited road safety. We know that we have to stop, look, listen, hold hands, use the crossing and buckle up when we are in the car. This week we added ‘Be bright, be seen’ to our list of things that keep us safe when we are near the road. We explored what a florescent stripe does at night and Mrs Herne gave us a reflective shape for our coats so we can be safe at night. Can you see us in the photo?

Next week we will be:

  • Thinking about the modes of transport we use in the water.
  • Learning about how God made everything in the water.
  • Learning about the Three Hierarchs.
  • Learning the number 14.
  • Counting how many people can fit into a boat and thinking about full and empty.
  • Thinking about near and far.

Messages home

Thank you very much for bringing in the children’s rhyme books, we hope you are enjoying reading them with the children at home!

Please keep the green home learning sheets coming back to school, it gives us a good understanding of what the children are learning at home and we love celebrating with the children!

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter



This week we have been:

Learning about transport we use in the sky. We read the story ‘Whatever next’ and had fun telling the story using our story props. We have been making our own air transport using the junk modelling. 

In math’s this week we have been we have been thinking about  2D shapes we can see in our classroom. We went on a shape hunt! We have also been learning about the number 12. 

In RE this week we started reading a bible story called ‘The creation story’. The story starts with how God made the sky, we have been thinking about what he put in the sky, moon, sun, clouds and stars. We drew some pictures and had fun with the picture board.

In science this week we have been exploring rough and smooth. We used different textured rolling pins to create rough and smooth textures. We will be continuing this learning next week using the land transport. 


In PE this week we have been exploring ways of making a spaceman and space rocket fly! We used a special balloon machine and we all made them fly using air from a balloon. 

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about the modes of transport we use on land.
  • Learning about the sounds we can make with our mouths.
  • Exploring pattern and the number 13.
  • Continuing our creation story with how God made the land.
  • Learning about magnets.

Messages home

Thank you for bringing in your rhyme books this week,  we hope you enjoyed learning about Hey, diddle diddle.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter


Happy New Year!


This week we have been:

Starting our transport topic by reading and listening to ‘We all go travelling by’. This story was a great introduction to transport as it explores many different modes and where they are used. The story also reinforces colour. We have sent this home in the children’s rhyme book this week. We have also been drawing pictures of how we travel to school.


In phonics this week this we have continued thinking about alliteration and the sounds of some of the letters in the alphabet. 

In math’s this week we have using the number blocks to learn the number 11. The children have really enjoyed exploring number 11 and writing the number. We have also been sorting transport into groups using their colour and where they are used.

In RE this week we learnt about St Basil. St Basil’s name day was January 1st and we make cakes each year to celebrate him and his story. He made cakes for everyone and he put jewels and coins inside. I made cakes for the children and put 2 coins inside. You have good luck for the year if you find the coin! Good luck.

We have also been thinking about winter this week. We have had fun exploring the winter table and looking at winter photos. We also made a winter tree using our fingers!

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about modes of transport you find in the sky and reading ‘Whatever Next’.
  • Reading the creation story starting with how God made everything in the sky.
  • Learning the number 12 and exploring 2D shapes.
  • Exploring rough and smooth.

Messages home

Just a reminder about the children’s green rhyme books, we would like them returned to school by Wednesday each week so that we can add the next rhyme ready to send home on the Friday.

It’s been great celebrating the children’s home learning; please keep this coming in each week.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Huter and Mrs Woode

1st December 2023

People who help us

This week we have been:

Learning about the police service and what they do. We have had lots of fun pretending to be the police and learning about what they do. We have had fun building police stations using the big blocks. We have been exploring walkie talkies, we wrote down some ideas of things we might say and then we used actual walkie talkies!

We also read a book called ‘Emergency’ this week. It was a great story to finish our ‘People who help us’ topic. We know what an emergency is, who we might need in an emergency and what number we need to call. We also found out the fire service are involved most emergency situations. 

In math’s this week we have been sorting objects into groups and learning about the number 9. We have also been measuring walls and ladders and using tall and short to describe them. 

In science this week we have been exploring over and under. We watched Kit and Pup and made a ball travel under and over our legs! We then explored over and under in the water tray and with the big blocks, making bridges.

In RE this week we have been learning about why we light candles in church and when we do our prayers. We also lit a candle and blew it out. 

This week we have also been thinking about ‘Pants’. We read the story ‘Pants’ and then had a talk about our pants and that they are private to us and if someone asks to see them we tell them NO. Please watch and enjoy this video at home. 


Over the next few weeks, we will be:

  • Learning about the Nativity story and why we celebrate Christmas.
  • Reading the Gingerbread man and The elves and the shoe maker.
  • Learning about the number 10 and reviewing our learning of numbers to 10.
  • Exploring shape and size.
  • Learning about winter.
  • Enjoying getting ready for Christmas and celebrating it together.

Messages home:

  • Our Early years Nativity will be on Tuesday 12th December. We hope you can come and support the children. We have sent home letters asking for help with the children’s costumes. The children will be either shepherds, sheep or stars. We have the costumes we need we are just asking for all the children to wear black. We would like the children to bring in their black clothes in a named bag by Friday 8th December so we can make sure the children have everything we need for the day.
  • Christmas jumper day is Tuesday 7th December.
  • Christmas lunch will be on Friday 15th December, all children are welcome to stay for the day if you wish the children to stay for lunch.
  • Our Christmas party will be on Tuesday 19th December. We will be providing food and games for the children.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Huter and Mrs Woode


24th November 2023

People who help us – Police

This week we have been:

Learning about the fire service. We have been drawing pictures of fire engines, roleplaying being fire fighters and exploring height with walls and ladders. 

In math’s this week we have been exploring counting using the book ‘One is a snail, 10 is a crab’. We had lots of fun counting how many legs animals have. We have also been learning the number 8. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKC6sakZ-h4 We only read up to number 30.


In science this week we have been exploring low and high. We have been using the big blocks to make high towers and low towers. 


In RE this week we have been learning about Holy Communion. We all enjoyed pretending to take part in our own communion. Bread is Jesus’s body and wine (juice) is Jesus’s blood. 

This week we also finished our learning about Diwali. We painted our divas and got to see what they looked like with a candle inside. We used them to help us find our way back to nursery. 

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about and exploring the police services.
  • Singing Head, shoulders, knees and toes and London Bridge is falling down.
  • Grouping objects and learning the number 9.
  • Exploring over and under.
  • Learning about why we light a candle in church.

Messages home

Thank you all for returning your Rhyme books, we hope you enjoy reading Jack and Jill this week.

Home learning – As you are aware we have been sending home, home learning sheets (green paper) however we do not seem to have many coming back. Please do send them back as we enjoy celebrating them with the children, they will be tucked inside your child’s Rhyme book.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter

17th November 2023

People who help us

This week we have been:

Learning about the post service. We have been reading and watching Postman Pat and thinking about what he does. We have been writing our own letters and posting them in the post box. We will be reviewing this at Christmas when thinking about delivering parcels. 

In phonics this week we have had lots of fun exploring the sounds we can make using our bodies. As the children if they can sing ‘Noisy Neighbours’ and ‘New places’.

In math’s this week we have been learning about 2D shapes and looking at simple properties of each shape. We have had fun drawing our own 2D shapes using stencils and watching a video that had 2D and 3D shapes. 

In science this week we have been exploring long and short. We watched Kit and Pup and had a great time using long and short in the classroom. We have been measuring spaghetti, building long and short train tracks and making long and short snacks with the playdough. 


In RE this week we have been learning about Diwali. We watched the story about Rama and Sita and used the puppets to tell our own story. We have also been making diva lamps which we will be finishing next week. 


We also took part in our remembrance assembly, we did a 2 minute silence and added our cross to Flounders fields. 

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about the fire service.
  • Exploring height and combining numbers by counting legs.
  • Learning about Holy Communion and Holy bread.
  • Exploring over, under, long and short.

Messages home:

We hope that you have enjoyed reading your Nursery rhyme books at home. Thank you to those of you that handed in their books, please keep them coming in every Wednesday.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Huter and Mrs Woode

10th November 2023

People who help us

This week we have been:

Learning about people who help us in the supermarket. We have been pretending we are buying food in a supermarket, exploring money and writing shopping lists. We have also been singing and reading the song pat-a-cake. We have been making cakes in the roleplay and at the playdough table. 

In math’s this week we have been learning about the numbers that we see on coins and how many pennies each can is worth. We have been looking at 1p, 2p, 5p, and 10p coins. We have also been learning about the number 6. 

In science this week we have been exploring push and pull. We watched kit and pup and then explored push and pull in the class and outside. What can you push and pull at home?


In RE this week we have been learning about remembrance. We have been making a class wreath and making our own poppies. We watched a special video that helped us understand what the war was like. 


This week have started thinking about Road safety. It’s very important to get the children thinking about being safe when they near the road and when they are out and about. We know we need to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN before we cross the road. We need to hold hands, use zebra crossings if we can and to wear our seat belts when we are in the car. We will continue this learning over this year. Please watch this videos at home!



Next week we will be:

  • Learning about the post office
  • Enjoying the nursery rhymes Hickory dickory dock and Mary, Mary quiet contrary
  • Learning about 2D shapes and the number 7.
  • Learning about Diwali.
  • Taking part in a 2-minute silence for remembrance.

Messages home:

We hope that you have enjoyed your homework sheet and had fun reading and exploring your Nursery Ryhme books. Please bring them in on Wednesday so we can add the next one’s for you. We would encourage you to read the songs as well as singing them.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter


3rd November 2023

People who help us

This week we have been:

Learning about lots of different jobs people do and how they help us. We all had a think about what we want to be when we grow up! (These are written on our bees in the peg area if you wish to have a look!) We will be continuing this topic over the next few weeks.


In phonics this week we enjoyed singing a song about the Three little pigs. It included lots of sounds that we can make using our mouths and bodies. We then enjoyed telling the Three pigs story using the props and masks. Some of us built our own houses using the big blocks. 

In math’s this week we had a great time singing 5 current buns. We enjoyed singing the song together and using the current buns and coins. We used the interactive board when thinking about how many buns were left? how much money does the baker have? and how many buns had been eaten?

In RE this week, we have been learning about the church and why we go to church. We know that we can’t see Jesus and God, but we know we can go to church to be closer to them. We also know that saying our prayers and lighting a candle lets them know we are talking to them. We also had fun building churches using the big blocks.

In Science this week we had lots of fun exploring fast and slow. We used wooden boards and cars, poured water from cup to cup and explored fast and slow when we went to the hall for PE. What fun can you have exploring fast and slow at home?

We have also been thinking about being safe when we are online. This could be when using an iPad or tablet or an adult’s phone. We learnt that it’s not good to use them without an adult’s permission and that if anything goes wrong, we should tell an adult. We learnt a song to help us remember.  ‘Before you tap and click, you need to stop and think, and tell someone’.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about the supermarket.
  • Learning about the number 6 and numbers we see on coins.
  • Reading, singing and role-playing the song Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake.
  • Learning about Remembrance Day.
  • Exploring push and pull.

Messages home:

We are currently having a few issues with the children using the toilets. We have noticed that the children are not using the toilet correctly when they need to stand. We have now numbered our toilets and if the children would like to stand they use toilet number 1. If they wish to sit they can use toilets 2 and 3. It would really help if you could explain this to the children at home.

Next week we will be sending home a homework sheet and a special nursery Rhyme book. We will be learning a new rhyme/song each week and we will add this to the children’s rhyme books every week. We will be sending home a homework sheet and the rhyme books every Friday and we would like you to bring them to school every Wednesday. Please encourage your children to colour each sheet and sing the songs with you. It’s important that the children are aware that the words have meaning so pointing to the words as you sing would be great for them.

Thank you for your support Mrs Herne

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter

20th October 2023


This week we have been:

Learning about stories linked to black history. We have been reading ‘Dream big, little leader’. We have been exploring different parts of the story this week. We have been creating artwork at the creative table, making statues on the playdough table and exploring space in the small world area. We have also been exploring what it would be like to throw a javelin and run in a race during our PE lesson. 


In phonics this week we have been focusing on sounds that can be made using musical instruments. We have also had to follow instructions and stop and start, listening to the music and each other.

In math’s this week we have been learning about the number 4 and counting in 1’s using 1p coins. We put 1p coins in purses and counted how many we have.

In science this week we explored floating and sinking, we had lots of items for the water tray and we predicted what might happen to the objects when they go into the water. We then tested them out!

In RE this week we read a story from the bible called ‘The loaves and the fishes/Feeding the 5000’. Jesus turned a small amount of food into lots of food that fed 5000 people. We had our own loaves and fish (paper) and we cut it up and feed the class. We then made bread in the sand tray. 

After half-term we will be:

  • Starting our ‘People who help us topic’ by reading a book called Career Day.
  • Thinking about the number 5 using number blocks and the song 5 currant buns.
  • Exploring about fast and slow.
  • Leaning about Gods house, the church.
  • Thinking about houses using the Three little pig’s story.

Messages home:

Please keep changing the children’s reading books, it’s really helps with their understanding of books and storytelling.

Please can I ask that any paperwork is returned after the half-term. I would love to use the children’s photos on this blog however I am unsure which children’s photos I can use.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Woode and Mrs Huter