Welcome to Nursery

29th April 2022

Welcome back!

Καλό Πάσχα Happy Easter Christós Anésti Christ has risen

This week/term we have been/will be: 

Learning through ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have started by reading the story, picking out the main parts of the story that make up the life cycle of a caterpillar/butterfly and looked at the days of the week. We have been very creative and making butterflies and caterpillars in lots of different ways. 

This week we have also been reviewing the sounds m, a, s and d. We have been thinking about the sounds at the start of objects and words. Please use the home learning sheet and reinforce these sounds at home. 

Next week we will be:

  • Continuing our learning through ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
  • Reading ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ and learning through the story
  • Tasting different fruit
  • Learning the sounds t, i, n and p.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno

8th April 2022


This week we have been:

Continuing our learning about Easter. We have finished the Easter story by reading the second part of the story. We have been role playing the story and talking about each day, everyday. We have been dying our red eggs and joined in with the Easter assembly. We also leant and sang a Greek song with reception. Today we sent home the children’s Easter bags which contained your child’s epitaphion, Easter basket with egg cup and red egg, Easter story mobile and Easter card. 

This week we also revisited 2d shapes and looked at 3d shapes. We spoke about flat and solid and looked the properties of the shapes. 

Next week we will be:

  • Enjoying Easter and celebrating Jesus coming back to life.
  • Enjoying Easter lunch, please make sure you return your slip if you wish for your child and yourself to stay for lunch.

After half-term we will be:

  • Learning and exploring through the very hungry caterpillar story
  • Reading about the Good Samaritan.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno

1st April 2022


This week we have been:

Learning about the Easter story. So far we have been learning about Palm Sunday, Holy Monday – Jesus went to church, Holy Tuesday – Jesus teaches others about the church, Holy Wednesday – Judas betrays Jesus, Holy Thursday – The last supper, Good Friday – Jesus dies on the cross. We have been roleplaying the story together and talking about what happens and why. This week we have also started making epitaphions and re-telling the Easter story using our mobiles. 

This week we have also been learning about how ‘Jesus loves me’. We watched a video and made our own crosses. 

This week we have revisiting the sounds m, a, d, s and learning t, i,  and n. We have been thinking about what each sound looks like and how we write them. 

Next week we will be:

  • Continuing the Easter story and learning about what happens.
  • Exploring Easter by dying red eggs, making mobiles and making nests.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe

25th March 2022

Dinosaurs – What do dinosaurs eat?

This week we have been:

Learning about what things the dinosaurs like to eat. We read a story called ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ and we found out that there are dinosaurs that eat veg and ones that eat meat. We have been sorting food by size and making dinosaur food on the playdough table. Tyrannosaurus Drip | Bedtime Stories for kids – YouTube

This week we have started learning the sounds of the letters. The have started with m, a, s, and d. Talk about these sounds at home and see what things you can find that start with those sounds. 

Sunday is Mothers day and we have been talking to the children about what their mummy’s do for them and why its important to show them we love them. Happy Mothers day!!

Most of this week has been spent in our new class area, Evia.  The children have been exploring the whole early years area ready for Monday.  

Next week we will be:

  • Getting to know our new surroundings and routines.
  • Learning about Easter.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe

18th March 2022


This week we have been:

Learning about eggs. We had a special delivery, an egg! We have been looking after it and keeping it warm and it has started to hatch! We have been exploring what might be inside the egg and learning about what animals come from eggs. We have also been counting eggs, making eggs, exploring size and finding dinosaurs that might fit inside them. 

These are the books we have been reading this week:

Tom and the Dinosaur Egg. Stories for children at home. – YouTube

Dinosaur Roar! | Read Aloud Story | Bri Reads – YouTube

We have also been leaning a fun song about dinosaurs! 

Nick Cope’s Popcast – Dinosaur Song – CBeebies – BBC

As you are aware we have been spending most if our time in our Early years (reception) area and preparing the children for our move to the area. This will continue next week so the children are ready for Monday 28th March where Evia will become their new class. 

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about what dinosaurs eat.
  • exploring size.
  • Learning about mothers day.
  • Continuing to settle into our new learning areas.

Thank you you all your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno


Sustran’s Walk and Wheel to School

St Cyprian’s will be taking part in a walk and wheel to school competition from 21st March to 1st April!

How it works
On each day of the challenge schools compete to see
who can record the greatest number of pupils walking,
using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.
A school’s best five days will determine their final position
and schools at the top of their leaderboards will receive an
exclusive Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel certificate.

There are also opportunities to win individual prizes.

Be part of something BIG
Our vision is a society where the way we travel creates
healthier places and happier lives for everyone

More information can be found in the link below


11th March 2022

Dinosaurs – In the dark

This week we have been:

Learning about what happens at night time when its dark. We have been reading a story called ‘Dinosaurs after dark’. It was lots of fun to watch what dinosaurs get up to at night when we are sleeping. We also explored the dark area using torches, we were looking for animals that only come out at night time, they are called nocturnal. We also explored walking in the dark using our blindfolds. We worked in pairs and had to guide each other around. We have also had lots of fun exploring shadows this week. We have used a special box, a torch and small dinosaurs to make shadows, maybe you can have a go at making shadows at home. 

Dinosaurs After Dark with Miss Pearce – YouTube

We have also read: Dippy’s Sleepover – YouTubeHarry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs – Give Us A Story – YouTube

In maths this week we have been thinking about objects that we can count. We counted how wooden blocks we had in each basket. Some baskets had lots of blocks and we counted up to 20!

In Re this week we have been learning about Clean Monday. We read a story about clean Monday and we all went outside to fly our kites. Mrs Herne also introduced us to Lady Lent. She has 7 legs and we can use her to help us count down to Easter. Here is the story for you to share at home. 

Clean Monday story

We have been revisiting road safety this week. The children have been role playing being safe near the road and we have been talking about and reminding them what they need to do to make sure they are safe near the road. We stop, look, listen, before you cross the road, hold hands and wear seatbelts when you are in the car. 

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about eggs, which animals grow inside an egg? what do we think is inside or special egg?
  • We will be exploring springtime.
  • Continue counting using eggs and exploring size.
  • Learning about Sikhism.
  • Starting our Easter celebrations in creative ways.

Messages home:

As you are aware we have stopped sending home the reading books and the home learning books and we hope that you are hoppy with the options we have given you, please do come and see us if you have any questions or need any support.

Thank you for your ongoing support Mrs Herne,

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe

4th March 2022

Welcome back! We hope you had a relaxing break and that you are ready for the start of our new half term.


This week we have been:

Learning about dinosaurs! We read a story called ‘Dinosaur chase’ which introduced us to what dinosaurs look like, how they behave, what they can do and where they live. We have had fun making our own dinosaurs and drawing dinosaur pictures using the information books to help us. We have been using the dinosaurs to make up our own play and we also read a dinosaur number story using a book and puppets.

This week we have been learning about baptism. We learnt about where baptism came from and what it looks like for us today.

We have also been celebrating pancake day by making our own pancakes! They were very yummy. We have been making pancake mixture in the water tray and choosing the fruit we would like on our pancakes in the sand tray. Lastly we have been drawing pictures of our perfect pancakes.

Next week we will be:

  • Continuing our learning about dinosaurs.
  • Exploring the dark.
  • Counting and learning the number 19.
  • Learning about clean Monday.

Messages home:

As you are aware from the message sent home we will not be sending reading books and home learning books home for the time being. We are looking into ways that would make things less time consuming but still making sure you are continue the learning at home.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno

17th February 2022

Science week!

This week we have been:

Exploring different elements of science. We have been making static energy using balloons, making bubble mixtures and blowing bubbles, watching colour travel through flowers to change its colour, making our own playdough, making sound travel through a tube, making paint using powder, exploring waves using oil in a bottle. making sounds using glass jars and water.

This week we have also been learning about Judaism. We have been learning about Hanukah and exploring Jewish items. We have had lots of fun singing a song about lighting the candles on a menorah. 

After half-term we will be:

  • Learning about dinosaurs, what they do, what they eat, where they live and how they behave.
  • Finding out information using non-fiction books.
  • Counting with dinosaurs.
  • Learning about Baptism.

Messages home:

Please can you make sure that the children’s names are writing in their clothes, especially their jumpers.  We have had a couple of issues with finding the right jumper for most of the children as their are no names in 80% of the children’s jumpers. Thank you to the 20% of you that have named your child’s clothes.

Have a great half-term

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe

11th February 2022

Winter/Valentines day

This week we have been:

Learning about winter and what it looks like. We read a story called ‘One Winters Day’, the story was about the cold winter weather and how the weather does not effect how you feel about the others. The Hedgehog was very cold but still helped others. We have been making winter pictures and exploring ice in the water tray. We then exploring freezing and melting. 

We have been learning about the properties of 2D shaped and how to draw them. We sang a shape song to help us remember what the shapes look like and used the words side, corners and points to talk about the shapes.

In RE this week we have been learning about Valentines day. We have been talking about the people that we love, thinking about the things they do for us and how we show them we love them. We read the story ‘No matter what’ and have been busy making Valentines day cards.  

Next week we will be:

  • Exploring our learning through science.
  • Learning about Judaism.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno