Welcome to Nursery

25th January 2019

Transport – On the land

This week we have been:

Learnng about different modes of transport you would find on the land. We read ‘The train ride’ and discussed all the different things we might see out of the window when we are travelling on a train. Some of us drew pictures and wrote about what we might see. We have been building train tracks outside, using road transport inside, listening to sounds different land transport makes and we have been counting how many passengers will fit into a train carriage. 

In phonics this week we have been learning about alliteration. We have been thinking about words that have the same sound. For example, socks/snakes/sausages, fish/feet/frog, dog/door/dinosaur.  We have been using songs to help us. 

In RE this week we learnt the next part of the creation story. So far we have learnt about how God made the sky and the land. Next week we will be finishing the story, learning about how God made the water and adding the people and the animals. 

This week we also introduced magnets to the children. We explored magnets that we use everyday (fridge magnets/play trains/fishing rods) and then explored a range of materials and the classroom. We are using magnetic, non magnetic, attrack, repel, stick and not stick to help us explain what we have found out. We have also enjoyed using the fishing rods in the water tray to find numbers to 10.

Next week we will be:

  • Thinking about different modes of transport in the water.
  • Counting to 10, using a story to help us.
  • Making our own boats and testing them.
  • How God made water and everything in the water.
  • Learning about and celebrating the Three Hierarchs.
  • Thinking about positions, under/on.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Continue number formation, 1-10.
  • Please talk about 2D shapes that you see around you including, circles/rectangles/squares/triangles/diamonds/semi-circles/stars/ovals/moons.

As you may have noticed the homework, reading and proud cloud baskets will now be with Mrs Bruno on the carpet area, please use the baskets as normal and keep the proud clouds coming in.

We are also trying to encourage the children to be as independent as possible, please encourage the children to find their own name when they come in and to put their own coat and bag away.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.

18th January 2019

Transport -In the sky

This week we have been:

Learning about different modes of transport that you might find in the sky. We read ‘Whatever next’ and enjoyed telling the story with the story props. We have been thinking about different ways you can travel around in the sky and in space. We have been making rockets and aeroplanes using the junk modelling and playing in the clouds (foam) with different modes of air transport. We have also started learning about how God made the world, he started with the sky and everything in it. We have been using our picture board to help us tell the story.

In maths this week we have been learning how to write numbers to 10, we have been using rhymes to help us. We have also been using puzzles to order numbers to 10 and enjoyed counting back and blasting off when we have been making our rockets.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about transport on the land.
  • Learning about how God made land.
  • Counting how many passengers are onboard a train.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Continue writing numbers to 10.
  • Proud clouds – tell us what you are proud of at home and we will celebrate it in class.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.


11th January 2019

Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing holiday.


This week we have been:

Learning about different modes of transport. We started the week reading a story called ‘We all go travelling by’. There are lots of different ways to travel! We have been busy making our own modes of transport using the junk modelling, exploring land transport on the carpet and in the sand, building train tracks and using trains outside, sorting/counting transport objects and exploring tracks using the play dough.

In RE this week we have been learning about St Basil. Mrs Herne told us a special story where St Basil wanted to give money and belongings back to the people. He made special cakes called  ‘vasilopita’s’ and he added the money and belongings into the cakes. He handed them out hoping they went to the correct people, and they did! We made our own ‘vasipolitas’ and we added our own treasure.

We also learnt about Theophania and baptism. We read a story called ‘The baptism of Jesus’ and also watched a video of a baptism in church. We then watched a video of Theophania. We spoke about what it means to the person who caught the cross in the river and who found the money in the cake.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about modes of transport in the sky.
  • Learning about how God made the sky.
  • Acting out the story ‘Whatever next’.
  • Learning how write numbers.

How is you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing, the children are doing very well!
  • Writing numbers to 1o.
  • Talk about different modes of transport.






Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.

7th December 2018

People who help us/Christmas

This week we have been:

Revisiting the ‘Gingerbread man’ story. We have continued using the story at the playdough table, in the water tray and telling the story using the house and puppets.

We had lots of fun when we visited Apples and Honey this week. We learnt about Hanukkah and why they light the candles on the menorah. We learnt a new song counting the candles on the menorah, made candle crowns and enjoyed exploring Apples and Honey nursery. We also tried to spin dreidels they are very tricky! We would like to say thank you to Apples and Honey for having us and for our lovely gifts.

We have started to read the ‘Christmas story’ and used the nativity scene to help us tell the story. This week we have spent a lot of time in the hall practising for our early years nativity! We are really looking forward to performing to the school and to our parents. Please can we have the children’s costumes in school for Monday 10th December so they are ready for the dress rehearsal.

Over the next few weeks we will be:

  • Learning about the Christmas story and the reason we celebrate Christmas.
  • Putting the finishing touches to our nativity play and performing it to you and the rest of the school.
  • Focusing on rhythm and rhyme in phonics.
  • Using ‘Christmas’ to explore all areas of learning.
  • Learning about winter.

Messages home:

  • Please ensure the children’s costumes are in school on Monday 10th December.
  • Our nativity play will be on Thursday 13th December around 9:30am.
  • Christmas lunch will be on Thursday 13th December, please fill out your letter and return the slip if you wish your child to stay for lunch on that day.
  • Our class parties will be on Monday 17th December, a letter will come soon!
  • We have mixed up the children’s home learning books and we are looking for Nina-Alice’s book. Can you please check your children’s bags and bring it in if you find it.

Thank you for all your on going support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno



30th November 2018

People who help us – Bakers

This week we have been:

Learning about bakers. We read a story called ‘Barnaby’s cake shop’ where two girls went into a bakers shop and helped the baker to make a cake. We also read a story called ‘The gingerbread man’. We loved this story and used the story and characters in most of our learning this week. We have been retelling the story using puppets, counting using gingerbread men, making gingerbread men in the water tray using flour, water and sand, and we made gingerbread men biscuits!! As we had so much fun with the gingerbread man story we are going to continue this story next week.

In phonics this week we have been continuing to make sounds with our bodies and following instructions when playing ‘copy me’ games.

In RE we learnt about holy communion and why we have holy communion in church. We also pretended we were in church and role-played taking holy bread and wine (using grape juice).

Next week we will be:

  • Continuing our learning through ‘The gingerbread man’ story.
  • Revisiting 2D shapes.
  • Learning about changes in the seasons, looking closer at winter.
  • Continuing our Christmas learning and activities.
  • Visiting our new friends at Apples and Honey Nursery.

How you can help at home:

  • Read with the children and encourage them to record something in their yellow book.
  • Encourage the children to draw and mark make in their green home learning books eg name writing/number formation/gingerbread man story or pictures etc.

Messages home:

Tuesday 4th December will be our trip to Apples and Honey Nursery, please ensure the children are in school before 8:50am and wearing full school uniform. The children will not need to take anything with them other than their coats, it would be helpful if the children did not bring their book bags to school on the day as we will not have time to change books or check home learning.  Refreshments will be provided and we will be returning to school at 12:30pm (please pick up the children the same way).

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.

23rd November 2018

People who help us – The emergency services

This week we have been:

Learning about people who help us in an emergency. We read a story called EMERGENCY!, there were lots of different emergencies and we learnt all about the people that would help in those situations. We also learnt that if we need any of the emergency services we need to call 999. We have also been acting as policemen/women and firemen/women and have had lots of fun finding out what they do and then acting it out in class.

In phonics this week we continued exploring different sounds that we make with our bodies. We sang 2 different songs and used our bodies to make the sounds.

In maths this week we have been exploring shape. We learnt the names of 2D shapes and started to look at the properties of them. We learnt that shapes have sides/edges and points/corners. We drew around different 2D shapes and made then into pictures. We also had fun making pictures using 2D shapes on the lightbox.

In RE this week we learnt that God’s friends are our friends and they love us too. We spoke about some of God’s friends that we already know; St Cyprian, Mary, angel Michael and angel Gabriel, and the twelve disciples. Some of us drew some pictures of our friends.

This week we have working really hard preparing for our Early Years Nativity. We have been singing lots of Christmas songs and going into the hall to practice. I hope you have received your letter that tells you the character your child will play, if you have any questions please came and see us. Can I also ask that if your child has a line to say that you practice over the next couple of weeks so that they ready for show.

We have also started our Christmas creations that the children will bring home!

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about the Gingerbread man, that will lead onto people who help us in the bakers.
  • Focusing on name writing and forming shapes.
  • Using the gingerbread man story to support counting and measuring.
  • In RE we will be learning about how we show our love in God’s church, by taking Holy communion.
  • Getting ready for our nativity.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Counting games linking to the gingerbread man.
  • Baking at home and talking about what happens to the ingredients at each stage.

Messages home:

We hope that you have found a letter in child’s bag giving you information about our Christmas nativity. We do not expect you to spend money and encourage you to be creative! Please come and see us if you need any more help. Our Play will be Thursday 13th December, we hope you will be able to make it. If your child has a line to say it would be great if you could practise this at home.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.

16th November 2018

People who help us – At the post office

This week we have been:

Learning about people who help us at the post office. We watched a video which showed us how a letter is delivered. We noticed there are lots of different jobs at the post office. We had fun writing our own letters, putting them in envelopes, sticking a stamp on them and then posting them. 


In phonics this week we have been exploring ways we can make sounds using our bodies. We can use our hands, our feet and our mouths to create different sounds. We also added actions to sounds; steering for driving, jumping for a frog, flapping arms for a chicken.

In maths this week we have been exploring money and looking at the numbers on the coins. We know that there 2 pennies in a 2p coin, 5 pennies in a 5p coin and 10 pennies in a 10p coin. We enjoyed using 1p stamps to show how many pennies we need to buy things.

In RE this week we learnt the reason why we light a candle at church and during our prayers. It’s our way of showing God that we love him. We all lit a candle and pretended we were in church. Last week we celebrated Diwali and made our own diva lights, we took these home at the end of our RE lesson. 

As you are aware we will be making some new friends with a nursery class in Wimbledon very soon. We thought it would be a good idea to talk to the children about being different and that although we are different we are all treated the same and are special and unique. We all made a star the way we wanted to and Mrs Herne hung them above our carpet area. We all laid down and looked up at all the stars, there were all different and all beautiful in their own ways. We then said “abracadabra” and more stars appeared!

Next week we will be: 

  • Continuing our learning about people who help us, looking at the emergency services.
  • In phonics we will continue making sounds with our bodies.
  • In maths we will be focusing on 2d shape, naming, sorting and drawing them.
  • In RE we will be talking about Gods friends.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing, the children are really working hard at this.
  • Counting and number games.
  • Please continue reading with the children, as often as you can.
  • Please encourage the children to record something in their green home learning books, it’s great to see what you have been learning at home.

Messages home:

If we change your child at school sometimes the children do not have a change of clothes on their pegs so we use the clothes we have in nursery, some of these items are not being returned to us and our stocks are running low. We do understand it can be tricky to notice smaller items like knickers/pants/socks but it would be great if you could have a look at home. Please come and see us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno

9th November 2018

People who help us – In a supermarket

This week we have been:

Continuing our learning about people who help us. This week we focused on people who help us in a supermarket, we read ‘At the supermarket’ and ‘Supermarket zoo’ and used what we learnt in our own supermarket outside. We explored money and how a supermarket works.

In phonics this week we have been exploring the sounds that musical instruments make and focused on looking for the direction cards so we know when to play and stop. We used the traffic lights to help us. Green – we go, yellow – get ready and red – we stop.

In maths this week we sang ‘5 current buns’. We paid for our buns using coins, we looked at what happens to the number of buns when we start to take them away and had fun making our own buns at the playdough table. We also sorted food into their cans and counted how many we had altogether, checking if it matched the number on the can.

In RE this week we learnt about Diwali, the festival of lights. We read a story about Rama and Sita and made our own divas out of clay. Next week we will be learning about lighting a candle in Gods house so we will send home the children’s divas next week. 


We have also been learning about Remembrance Day, we spoke about the brave and special soldiers that lost their lives and their families. Together we made a big wreath that we took to the assembly and we made our own poppies for us to wear on own jumpers.  We all took part in a 2 minute silent to think about these very special people.

We also explored floating and sinking this week in the water tray. We had a basket of objects and we tested them to see if they would float in the water or sink in the water. We also watched and played a game on the board where we made a prediction, tested the item and then spoke about what happened.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about people who help us in the Post office and writing letters.
  • In phonics we will be looking at making sounds using our bodies.
  • Looking closer at money and numbers that are on the coins.
  • Learning about why we light a candle in God’s church.
  • Thinking about our trip to Apples and Honey and talking about differences and being treated the same.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue with name writing and counting and number activities.
  • Explore floating and sinking at home and talk about what you find.
  • Revisit the story of Rama and Sita, please use the link above.

Messages home:

Please keep the children’s home learning books coming in. Please encourage the children to write or draw something in the book, it really does make a difference to the children’s learning.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.

2nd November 2018

People who help us – In our school

This week we have been:

Learning about all the adults that help us in our school. We looked at Mrs Baron, Mrs Mantilas, Mrs Adrien, our teachers, the office staff, the cleaners, Mr Rigby and Mr Stavrou and the lunchtime staff. We have been leaning about the jobs they do and how important everyone is to us. We read a story called ‘Career day’ and had a discussion about wat we would like to be when we are older.

In phonics this week we have moved on to making sounds with instruments. We learnt that we need to make sure we follow instructions and listen to the others around us.

In maths this week we have been using the sorting hats to order numbers to 10. We also wrote our own numbers and put them into our head bands.

In RE we have been learning about Gods house, the church. We watched a video and looked at what is inside a Greek Orthodox church. We also explored a church that Mrs Herne made and had a closer look at what we would find when we go to church. We also celebrated the Archbishops 90th birthday, we lit the birthday cake, sang him happy birthday and sent a happy birthday message.

We have been looking a lot closer at the changes we can see around us when we are outside. This season is called ‘Autumn’ and we found lots of leaves in our outside area. We decided to paint them and see what happens when you print them on paper. We also painted an autumn tree using our fingers, learnt a song called ‘Autumn Leaves’ and enjoyed dancing to it during our PE session.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning about people who us in a shop.
  • Making sets of objects and counting how many there are altogether.
  • Learning about Diwali and Remembrance day.
  • Exploring floating and sinking.

How you can help at home:

  • Explore Autumn at home and talk about the changes you can see around you.
  • Continue with name writing and counting activities.
  • Please continue recording your learning in your home learning books.

Messages home:

As the weather is getting colder we are encouraging the children to wear hats and scarves when they are outside. We have a nursery box of hats and scarves that the children will use as it makes it easier when the children want to go outside. If the children wear their own hat and scarf coming to and from school please keep these in the children’s book bags.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.

19th October 2018

Ourselves/People who help us

This week in inclusion week we have been:

Learning how to work together and resolve conflict. We read a story called ‘Pumpkin soup’. We looked at ways the friends could have worked together and allowed others to do different jobs. We also saw how some things we say and do can hurt others and we looked at ways of making things better.

In maths this week we looked at our favourite fruit. We used the board and made a graph to show which fruit we liked the best. We found out that our favourite fruit is apples!

In RE this week we continued talking about our families. We also learnt that God loves us and our families too!

We have also been learning how to be safe when we are on-line (when using ipads/iphones). We learnt that if anything pops up that we are not sure about we should ask a grown-up for help.

We have been learning about road safety and learning how to be safe when we are near the road. THINK, STOP, LOOK, LISTEN before we cross the road!!



Finally this week we have been learning about Martin Luther King, Mo Farrar and Jessica Ennis. We learnt they are all  great at different things and very proud of where they come from. We looked at where we come from using the world map to help us. Mrs Herne also explained to us what we are good at and what she is proud of.

After half term we will be:

  • Learning about people who help us in school.
  • Exploring sounds using musical instruments.
  • Talking about God’s house.
  • Exploring Autumn.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue mark making and name writing.
  • Exploring how far the children can count to.
  • Take a closer look at Autumn at home, explore your garden and the outside world. Use your home learning book to tell me what you have found.

Thank you very much for your child’s home learning books, reading records and proud clouds, they really do make a difference to the children.

We hope you have a restful week.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe