Welcome to Nursery

March 2nd 2018


We hope you are enjoying the snow and staying safe and warm!

This week we have started looking at dinosaurs. We read a story called ‘Dinosaur chase’. We looked at where dinosaurs lived and how they behaved a long time ago. We will continue this learning next week.

We learnt the sound ‘a’ this week and practiced how to write it. ‘around the apple and down the leaf’. Please have fun playing this game and try and get the children to hear the sounds at the start of the pictures, finding the odd one out.


We finished looking at how God made the world, we added animals and people to our world picture.

Due to the snow and the school being closed we will continue this weeks learning about dinosaurs next week. We will also be looking at numbers to 10 and 2D shape.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Explore the ‘s’ and ‘a’ sound. Talk about things you may have around the house and practise writing the sounds. ‘slither down the snake’ ‘around the apple down the leaf’.
  • Talk about numbers that you see around you, the children now need to recognise numbers to 10 out of sequence.
  • Talk about the changes in the seasons that the children may see at the moment. For example flowers growing and buds on trees.

Notes for parents:

Thank you very much for your support in making sure the children are smart for school however;

  • Please can you ensure that the children are wearing the correct footwear, their footwear should be black.
  • Please can you also ensure the children are wearing the correct colour jackets, our school colours are blue or black.

We will re-book our trip to Apples and Honey, we will keep you updated.

We would like to thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma


February 23rd 2018

Chinese New Year/Clean Monday

Welcome back!! We hope you had a restful break.

This week we have been learning:

About Clean Monday. We found out what Clean Monday is and why we celebrate it. We enjoyed flying kites and Mrs Herne made us Lagana bread which she hopes you enjoyed. We are going to be counting down lent using Lady lent. (This is on our RE table if you would like to know more)

We have also been celebrating Chinese New Year. We heard the ‘Chinese Zodiac Story’ and we have been telling the story in the sand and in the role-play. We also had fun racing outside and looking at positional numbers. We have been learning how to prepare for Chinese New Year and ways in which people celebrate it. We had fun using the Chinese dragon and scarves when dancing to Chinese music. We have been exploring Chinese noodles, making fortune cookies with the play dough, writing in Chinese and making Chinese dragons.

This week we have started learning the sounds of the alphabet. We started ‘s’ the sound, looking at items that start with ‘s’ and then learning how to write it. Please continue making ‘s’ shapes at home and in your homework books.

This half-term we will be learning about Dinosaurs!!

Next week we will be learning about:

  • Dinosaurs, looking at where they lived and how they behaved.
  • 2 new sounds of the alphabet.
  • Using a dinosaur story to learn numbers to 10, out of sequence.
  • Finishing looking at how God made the world.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Explore the ‘s’ sound. Talk about things you may have around the house and practise writing the sound.
  • Talk about numbers that you see around you, the children now need to recognise numbers to 10 out of sequence.
  • Talk about the changes in the seasons that the children may see at the moment. For example flowers growing and buds on trees.

Notes for parents:

Thank you very much for your support in making sure the children are smart for school however;

  • Please can you ensure that the children are wearing the correct footwear, their footwear should be black.
  • Please can you also ensure the children are wearing the correct colour jackets, our school colours are blue or black.

We would like to thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma

February 9th 2018

Investigations week

This week we have been learning:

We have been reading ‘Journey’ By Aaron Becker. This book had no words so we had to read the book using the pictures! We then drew our own pictures of what we would like to see through our magic door.

We had great fun this week looking at money. We looked at different coins that we use and then went on a hunt for 1p coins. We lined them up on the carpet and measured them using rulers! We found out we had 57 1p coins altogether  and they measured 15.5 rulers long!! We also played a shop game on the whiteboard and explored putting money into purses and writing how many we have.


We made kites this week ready for our Clean Monday celebrations.

We read a story about being safe when we are online. The children are aware that we do not click on things we are not sure about and we should always ask an adult for help.

After half-term we will be learning about:

  • Clean Monday
  • Chinese new year, we will be exploring racing and talking about ordinal numbers 1st 2nd 3rd etc.

How you can help at home:

Notes for parents:

We hope that you have a restful break, we look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 19th February.

Over the holidays, if you could have a look for any trousers/underwear that belong to the nursery as we are running very low on spares for the children.

Thank you for your ongoing support

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma


February 2nd 2018

Transport – In the water

This week we have been learning:

We have been learning about transport in the water. We have been making boats and using boats in the water tray. We read ‘Mr Gumpy’s outing’ and looked at how many animals were in the boat. We then experimented in the water,  how many animals should we have in each boat?. Next week we will be testing boats that we have made. We also re-told the story in the role-play area using a large boat and animal masks.


On the maths table this week we went fishing and counted how many fish we had. We practised writing our numbers and we have also been counting how may animals were in the boat using this weeks story.

In Re this week we have looking at the next part of our creation story. Last week we looked at things that God made in the sky and this week we looked at things that God made on the land.

We have also been continuing exploring magnets, writing our names and looking at alliteration in our phonics learning.

Next week we will investigation week we will be learning:

  • Finalising our transport learning.
  • Extending exploring magnets.
  • Looking at money, adding 1p coins together – Linking to the penny challenge.
  • Making kites for clean Monday.
  • Exploring floating and sinking in the water.
  • Using Bee-bots.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Look at coins and talk about simple money.
  • Exploring floating and sinking at home, bath time is perfect!

Wednesday is open morning until 10:00am, it would be great to see you!

Just a reminder, Friday is number mufti day.

If you have any trousers/knickers/pants/socks that belong to the nursery please can you return them as soon as you can as we are running very low on spare clothes for the children.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma

January 26th 2018

Transport – On the land

This week we have been learning:

This week we read ‘The train ride’. The train travelled to many different places and this week we have been focusing on transport that we see everyday on the land. We explored using trains and building a track, we used the garage outside and had to find cars that would fit down the slopes, we continued to build different modes of transport using the recycled materials and we also used a bus in a maths learning.

In phonics we are continuing to listen to sounds we hear at the start of a group of words and using our voice to make lots of different sounds. Please find the cards attached and use these at home.

voice sound cards

In maths this week we focused on counting to 10 and writing numbers to 10. We used the big red bus to count how many passengers were inside and then we looked at how many passengers we could get in the train and the carriages.

This week Mrs Herne introduced us to magnets!! We were looking at what sort of things attract and not attract to a magnet. We had horseshoe magnets and bar magnets and we explored around the classroom and outside. We found lots of different things that attract to a magnet we call these magnetic, the ones that do not attract are called non-magnetic. We also explored the magnet tray, please come and have ago next week!

In RE this week we talked about how God made the world. We have started building the sky and we will build the rest of the world over the next few weeks.

Next week we will be leaning about:

  • Transport we use in the water.
  • Continuing to work on numbers to 10.
  • How God made the Land.
  • Continuing to explore magnets.

How you can help at home:

  • Playing games with numbers, recording numbers where you can.
  • Writing your child’s name, using lower case letters. We would like the children to practise their name in class once every week, if you wish to do this with them in the morning you are more than welcome.
  • Explore magnets in your home, using magnet language.
  • Read some alliteration stores with your child. I do have some if you would like to borrow them please do ask.

A my name is Alice  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyv0IDzMtf0

All the Awake Animals


Thank you for your ongoing support

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Cosma






January 19th 2018

Transport – In the air

This week we having learning:

We have been reading ‘Jeremiah the Jellyfish’. Jeremiah swapped his job under the sea for a job on the land. He used several modes of air travel to travel to work, home and to parties. We made our own air transport using the recycled materials. We also explored air travel in our sand tray and on the carpet area with the big blocks.

We also read ‘Whatever next’. Mrs Herne had a box, a colander, a pair of wellies, a teddy, some food and a blanket. She read us the story using the items from the story! We really enjoyed listening to the story so Mrs Herne put the items in the role play so that we can tell the story ourselves. We travelled past an owl, an aeroplane and fluffy clouds just before we land on the moon.

We have been learning how to count to 10 and then back again. We pretended we were rockets, we started very small and grow to blast off, counting down from 10. We have also been very busy learning how to write our numbers to 10.

In RE this week we have been learning about St Basil. We learned about the vasilopita cake and why money is put inside. Mrs Herne made us all cakes for us to take home. (I wish you all good luck and fortune for the year ahead).

In phonics this week we have been continuing listening for words with the same sound. For example, socks, snakes, sausages. We will continue this over the next few weeks.

We also talked about what we would like to be when you grow up. Mrs Herne has made a hive and hung our dreams from it. Please come in and have a look!

Next week we will learning:

  • Transport we use on the land.
  • Continuing to work on numbers to 10.
  • How God made the sky.
  • Magnets.

How you can help at home:

  • Playing games with numbers, recording numbers where you can.
  • Writing your child’s name, using lower case letters.
  • Exploring magnets in your home.

Thank you for your ongoing support

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma.

January 12th 2018


This week we have learning about:

Different ways that we travel. We have been exploring travelling on land, in the sky and in the water. We read a story called ‘We all go travelling by’, we built carparks and garages using the big blocks, we used the boats to help our play people travel on the water and made our own cars and aeroplanes using the junk modelling.


We also discussed how we travel to school, we made a chart using the interactive screen and found that most of us travel by car!

In maths this week we explored using the sand timers and sorting transport items into colours or mode of transport.

In out phonics learning we are currently working on making sounds with our voices and sorting words and pictures that have the same sound at the start. We have also been learning how to write our names. We have been encouraging the children to only have a capital letter at the start of their names and the rest to be lower case. For example MRS HERNE would be Mrs Herne.

In RE this week we learnt how God made autumn and winter and why. We looked at what he created and then looked at the changes he made. We learnt that God made winter so that the animals could sleep!

We have also had great fun in the mud kitchen this week! We cleared the area by picking up all the leaves and then we learnt how to take our shoes off and then put on wellies on. It’s very muddy in the mud kitchen and we wanted to keep our shoes clean.

Next week we will be learning about:

  • Exploring air transport, using stories/non-fiction books to help us.
  • Counting and writing numbers to 10.
  • Writing our names.
  • St Basil, talking about Vasilopitas.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue practicing your child’s name, we are encouraging the children to write their names on their work. Using lower Case please.
  • Writing numbers to 10.

As we are using the mud kitchen with the wet weather we are asking the children to wear wellington boots. We have some spare the children can use however if you have any at home it would be great if you could bring them in for the children to use.

Thank you all so much for your support in ensuring our children look smart and are wearing the correct uniform at school.

Please continue with home reading , home learning and proud clouds.

Thank you for you ongoing support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma.

January 4th and 5th 2018

Happy new year!!

Welcome back! We hope your had a restful break and wish you prosperous new year.

This week:

This week we settled back into the nursery. We have been talking about and making new year promises, these are displayed in our RE area if you would like to share these with the children.

We have also been learning about ‘Theophany’. Mrs Herne told us the story about how Jesus was baptised and then we watched a video of the cross being thrown in the river, Mrs Herne then Blessed us with Holy water.

Next week we will learning about:

  • Different modes of transport.
  • Time and distance, looking at how long it takes to do tasks using sand timers.
  • Continuing our Winter learning.
  • In phonics, coping actions and following directions.

Messages from us:

We will continue with proud clouds, home learning and reading books so please keep those coming in.

We would also like to ask if you can ensure that the children are wearing the correct uniform. Please check this list.

  • St Cyprian’s blue sweatshirt, yellow polo shirt and blue track bottoms.
  • Black shoes/trainers.
  • Black/dark blue coat.
  • Hair bands and beads in school colours, blue/yellow/white.
  • St Cyprian’s book bag (either shape), only one key ring please.

Hats and scarves: We do have a box of hats and scarves that the children use when they go outside so that we can keep them nice and warm while they are learning outside.


We thank you for your continuous support.

Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma.

December 11th and 18th 2017


Over the past two weeks we have been having lots of fun celebrating Christmas!! We were very busy getting ready for the Early Years Nativity, we hope that you were able to make it and that you enjoyed watching it. The children sat and sang so well and the costumes were fantasic!! Thank you all for your time, money and creativity.

Our main focus was to understand the real reason we celebrate Christmas, IT’S JESUS’S BIRTHDAY!!!!. We were able to demonstate this with our Christmas cards. We printed a Christmas tree on the front and then inside, baby Jesus in his crib in the hay. Please take this off the card and hang on your Christmas tree year after year.

We were also busy making angel calendars, salt dough decorations with gift boxes and talking about the First Christmas using our Nativity wheels. We also enjoyed a great Christmas party and the food lasted a couple of days!!

After Christmas we are going to looking at different forms of transport. We will be looking at all modes of transport and then talking about them in more detail as the term goes on. Over the holidays if you could talk to the children about different modes of transport that you have travelled on and maybe share this with us in your homework books, photos would be great!

We would like to thank you all for you genorous gifts and cards and hope that you all have a joyful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Thank you for all your support in 2017!!

Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma

December 8th 2017


This week we have been learning about:

The First Christmas. We have been learning the Nativity story and why we celebrate Christmas. We have been learning that Jesus is very special to many people and why. We have also been practicing our songs for the Nativity Performance on Thursday, we hope you can make it.

This week Apples and Honey Nursery came to visit us! We had great fun with Greek singing and dancing and then playing games talking about things we like and a game with a balloon! We are really looking forward to our visit to Apples and Honey in the new year.

We have been thinking about colour this week. We have been sorting colours, choosing the colours we need for our paintings and we have been listening to stories about colour. We read Brown bear, Brown bear by Eric Carle.

We have also been talking about Winter this week. We have been looking at different changes that we have seen and will see over the next few weeks. We have had fun changing our Autumn tree to a Winter tree and painting snow pictures.


In phonics this week we have been thinking about words in songs that rhyme. bat, hat, rat/goat, coat, boat/vet, wet, jet/yak, mac, quack/fly, goodbye, cry. Maybe you can have fun with these sets of words at home.

Mrs Baron also treated us to a special visit from a Circle Show company! We played with scarves, walked the tightrope and learnt how to spin a plate.

ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! We have been having great fun celebrating Christmas, wrapping gifts, dressing up and cutting Christmas shapes out of play dough.

Next week we will be learning about:

  • Continuing our Christmas celebrations.
  • Reading Christmas stories.
  • Looking at sizes by boxing up items as gifts.
  • Our Nativity performance.

How you can help at home:

  • Have fun with Christmas and talk about celebrating Jesus’s birthday.
  • Get the children to help you wrap presents, talking about size etc.
  • Continue name writing.

Nativity – Thursday 14th December

We hope that you have all received your letter and costume ideas. Please make sure your child’s costume is in school on Monday 11th December so we can ensure we have all the costumes ready.


The weather is getting colder and we would still like to use the outside! Please can you make sure that the children have hats, gloves and scarves in school, in a bag on their pegs would be great so its easier to get to.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma